MommyOnAMission Posts: 14 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone. I just started the 30 Day Shred yesterday and love it. So sore!!! I am curious to know if any of you have completed the program and what results you had. Would love some motivation right now :)


  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    Just Curious to see the responses. I just bought it and did it one day and got the stomach bug so I need to get going again with it.
  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    Was thinking about buying it this weekend and am curious to see the replies so bUmP :)
  • everyoung
    everyoung Posts: 67 Member
    I had done it in the summer, really works but I was too lazy to continue!
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I love Jillian. Her workouts are tough in the beginning, but they work. I have had really great results with them all. I have been using her DVD's for about 6 months now and still love them. 30 day shred is a good workout. I really love her no more trouble zones, it is longer but a little more intense. Good luck on finding the perfect workout for you!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I've done it twice now. Both times, I did not lose a single pound, but I lost numerous inches. The first time, I lost 3 inches off my waist in the first 2 weeks (quit the program at that time because I found out I was pregnant). The second time, I lost about the same. I could tell an amazing difference in my strength. I didn't have a body fat % number from the start of the program, but it had been tested in April, about 2 months after having my baby, and after completeing the 30 Day Shred, I was down 9%! I don't know how much, but it definitely contributed to that loss. Hope this helps.
  • I do her Shred and No More Trouble Zones, but there is no way I could do the same workout for 30 consecutive days. Plus, I think you would get too sore. What I love about Shred is that it's 20 minutes and you are done!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm on day 12, so not completed it yet, but even in a short time I can see a big difference in my arms and thighs, they are looking so much more toned! Good luck with your 30DS.
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    I started on the 29th of nov. A little sore right now. amazing how weak my shoulders are! I plan to do 30 days consecutive. I'll post each day to let you know I'm doing it also. good luck
  • MommyOnAMission
    MommyOnAMission Posts: 14 Member
    Day# 2 Shred complete! :) Still dying especially 1st 5 minutes, BUT got some energy the last 5 and was high intensity. So happy I actually did it today considering how sore I was. How are guys doing? Really working to lose 8-10 pounds by New Year's. Took my before pics yesterday and measurements. MFP is awesome and all of you guys are really help motivate me with your own stories and successes. :happy: Kate, you are def inspiring me to keep going and Ed, I am with ya with the shoulders! Good luck to all
  • I am so excited to see this post! I just purchased the 30 day shred after doing quite a bit of research on it. I love that it is only a 30 minute time commitment which means I could wake up in the morning and do it or even do it after my husband goes to bed in the evenings. I haven't been able to read all of the posts, but from what I have read it seems to have had a positive affect on most of you? Let me know if you have any tips or anything. My goal is to shred a little belly roll, I've always been very active and have a hard time losing pounds because I am quite muscular, but I'm hoping this will help with toning.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I just completed day 24 of The 30-Day Shred this morning. My 4th day on Level 3. So far I have lost 9lbs. My pants are too big. I fit into Med. shirts instead of Lrg. I'm really happy with the results and am determined to finish the 30 days! After that I will look for more of her DVD's. :)
  • Hey, I realize nobody has posted here in about a week, but if anybody is still following this thread...
    A friend is lending me the DVD on Monday, so I'll probably start it then. Im pretty excited but also I little nervous. I keep hearing it's TOUGH.

    If anybody is doing it at the moment I would love to know how you find it and what kind of results you're having !
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi! I just started the 30 day shred again on Tuesday. This is my 3rd time doing it in the last couple of years and I've always had great results!! Like everyone else is saying, I don't usually lose a ton of weight, but I do drop inches fast and gain strength quickly so I can move on to longer workouts after the 30 days. It is so motivating. It's definitely hard, especially levels 2 and 3 but I just keep telling myself its only 20 minutes and that helps me get through and motivates me to work out on days I wouldn't have otherwise! Good luck to you!
  • apuckett
    apuckett Posts: 9 Member
    Getting ready to start the 30 day shred tonight! I tried it once before, but only got a few days in before getting sick. Then I didn't pick it back up :(
    I'm going to stay committed and I'm excited to see how this goes!
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