WHAT am I supposed to eat???? *FRUSTRATED*

I DID IT AGAIN...*frustrated*. I REALLY find that the food I have always thought was "okay" is actually making me fat! I ate Jamaican curried chicken with rice and pea and cabbage today (yesterday). My father is Jamaican. I have eaten this food my ENTIRE life. I put it in the calorie counter and SURPRISE SURPRISE my Jamaican food cost me over one thousand calories again! Yesterday I found out that the LUNCH SALAD that I have ALWAYS made and eaten was actually over one thousand calories! I feel like I can't eat anything! I need some low calorie resources quick if you have them! My husband made baked chicken and Kraft macaroni for dinner I ate some of that and through some miscalculation ended the day one thousand calories over my goal...ifeellikecrying...I SWEAR I am getting back on the wagon but I just wish I knew WHAT is acceptable for me to eat!!!!!! *Argh!!!* *Disgusted face* Good night ya'll. Tomorrow is another day...

Does ANYONE know where I can find a list of low calorie foods or low calorie/fat recipes??? Thanks in advance!



  • nlucero
    nlucero Posts: 14 Member
    Hang in there! The important thing is that you realize this and can get back on track. I've made similar mistakes and felt like throwing in the towel. Think about your ultimate goal and well...let the past be the past and move on. You can do this! You are in control!

  • Hannaca1992
    I don't know if it'll help, but i'm vegetarian, and some of the best low fat recipes i use are using quorn, because it's really low fat (if you make a spaghetti bolganese, it's has 75% less fat than lean beef mince) but it tastes great! I know you probably won't want to cut out meat all together, but it's a healthy option for some days (: I hope you like it!
    The website is: www.quorn.com

    Good luck!
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    get the book Eat This Not That. there's even a recipe book. Look up Hungrygirl online. she's a freakin genius. and remember... its a learning process. i'm half mexican girl i was raised on beans rice flour tortillas and pork boiled in lard. yeah. thats what i ate for years. this damned site pretty much let me know that food in that realm can only be eaten in very small portions and rarely. its treat food. not healthy every day food. soooo start readin the labels on food. plan a grocery list using the resources on here and remember... you got our support :)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Another strategy that might help is figure out what you are planning to eat for the day and log it ahead of when you eat it. When you see everything in your diary, it allows you to adjust things so you don't find yourself staring at the "1000 calorie surprise" and wanting to jump out the window.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    It is a big change, but if you just switch out some of the ingredients in your salad and the normal food you eat...it can be bearable.
    Instead of kraft mac and cheese which is horrible in cals and sodium...make your own with whole wheat pasta. baked chicken low fat skim milk cheese in the salad with little to no salad dressing.
    read labels
    whole grains are good
    watch the sodium
    steamed instead of canned veggies...I get mine from walmart in the frozen section, pretty cheap good stuff with out the butter already on it.

    and i like this site alot.
  • nevergonnagiveup
    Stay cool! I am a vegetarian too. It isn't so much the meat, but the way it is prepared. I guarantee you will find your favourite recipes in a healthier version! Google is your friend :happy: Lower the portion of rice or pasta (my favourite foods!) just a little and go easy on the sauces. Don't eat packet type foods ie Mac cheese as there are a lot of hidden fats and other nasties in there. It doesn't take much longer to make it from scratch with healthier ingredients - ask my family of 5. Play the challenge! Beat those calories at their own game! You will soon get the hang of it! Plan ahead a little so you have time to do your homework, and you will soon know this stuff 'of by heart'. It is all in the learning....you can do it!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    (Gorgeous photo by the way! )
  • Phoenyxtears
    I use allrecipes.com and search for lowfat or low-whatever meals and adjust it for my taste buds (I need some spice lol). Other than that, I surf around in the recipes section on MFP or take ideas from my friends on here's food diary if they are public.

    I also agree with whoever said to buy EatThis, NotThat, and go to hungrygirl.com.

    Also, Google/Yahoo!/Bing/whatever might be your best friend - I searched "low fat recipes" and I'm still going through the results.

    I also made slight alterations to what I usually bought, like Seesaa suggested. It has helped a lot.

    Jamaican food is so amazing though; it was hard for me to give it up also.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Eat Better America has a lot of healthy recipes: http://www.eatbetteramerica.com/
  • Phoenix1982
    THANKS ALL OF YOU!!! (I am totally adding you as friends! LOL). I am happy for the vegetarian options and the website info! I REALLY appreciate it and you are right...this is a definite learning process! I don't think I have been this committed to a lifestyle change in my entire life. I AM going to lose this extra weight and regain my former fire. Thanks ya'll!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    OK, the first thing is not to panic, not to give up!
    I'd suggest that to get started, just log what you normally eat, you will see some patterns there - maybe some of the stuff you are used to is a bit better for you than others. Or maybe serve yourself a smaller portion of your favourites and add some steamed veges to bulk it out a bit.

    There are gazillions of yummy recipes out there, but don't get completely hooked on trying to make everything super low calorie - better to look at what you are putting into things - could you cut the oil a bit, add a few more vegies or beans and a bit less rice, change to brown rice (half and half with white rice works well).

    One of my recent epiphanies is that I don't have to eat low cal everything. Generally I can eat what I would normally cook, but I just eat less of it, or use more veges and less meat/pasta/white rice.

    Have a look at a few people's diaries - feel free to check out mine, though I can tell you it's not perfect!

    Oh, and also have a look at your goals - I decided to just start with calories for a half pound loss per week until I get used to recording and get myself used to this amount. I know that if I make really dramatic changes I won't keep it up and will just crash and burn. I'm finding it easy enough to stick to (as long as I don't slide in too many extra beers or glasses of wine!) and sometimes have to eat extra snacks to make sure I'm eating enough!

    Good luck!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    I have been doing this for a month now. I have found that the things that I grew up on are mostly high calorie foods...fried chicken, bbq ribs, fast food.....I always calculate my food before I eat it. If it is a high calorie food, then I limit it, or omit it. When I first started mom cooked some bbq pork ribs. I would only allow myself 4 oz because the calories were high. What I do, is I load up on fruits and veggies and I measure EVERYTHING. So that I don't get bored, I look for recipes that would interest me. Basically I have cut out almost ALL processed foods. I mainly eat things that either have a mother, or has come from the ground. I have done this for 4 weeks now and have lost 11 lbs. I have changed my rice to brown rice. I eat oat meal in the morning with a smashed banana. This is less than 300cal. I usually eat my biggest meal next- because of my hours at work....I work over night. Because I live in New Orleans and Monday is Red Beans and Rice day, I always eat Red Beans on Mondays. If I eat it with rice, I only eat 1/2 cup of rice with 1 cup of red beans. We had Corn and Shrimp chowder one night. I ate 1 1/2 cups of that. We had fish stew tonight...I ate 2 cups and 1 cup of brown rice. I use cauliflower instead of rice sometimes. My salads always have spinach, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and bell peppers because I can eat alot of those and not get too many calories. That isn't all of my salad, but they always have those items. U can add salmon, tuna, chick peas, grilled chicken....then the dressing a balsamic vinaigrette. But measure. The kind I have is 45 cal per 2 TBsp. Sometimes I make a quinoa curry salad.....Measure your food, and calculate before you eat and look for some recipes on the sites that others have mentioned....Also, if a recipe looks good but has alot of calories, you can tweak it by omitting the oil and using plain yogurt instead of milk or cream.....
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hey ,

    I feel your pain. It always feels like such a betrayal when foods you thought were low cal turn out not to be!

    Here are some suggestions for FILLING low cal foods:

    - soups. you can make HUGE soups with all kinds of ingredients and have a ginormous bowl with usually very few calories.
    - whole grains - try using barley, wheat, oats... all kinds of "whole" grains instead of rice. they are more filling and sometimes have fewer calories!
    - veggies. I know - you knew this. But try doubling the veggies and halving the meat/carbs in a recipe. I swear, it will taste just as good and have MANY fewer calories
    - with cheese - try just a sprinking! you'll be surprised how far it will go

  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    OMG youd love my house! We eat loads of Jamaican and various Asian Curry style foods which are healthy!! Jerk chicken for a start! Remove skins etc and marinade in seasoning, no problem mon!
    Think spices, seasoning, marinading and you'll be fine. Where you need sugar in a recipe, replace with splenda. Go easy on the rice and peas high in cals but they are in fact good cals:)
    We own a smoked salmon company, and now and then we produce a hot smoked Jamaican salmon.. guess you could try a jamaican salmon fillet at home. Even if you have to use walkerwoods spices it will cut way back on your cals etc but give you that flavour you love:)
    I eat spiced foods most days, try tweaking what you normally do, into a healthier option. I make a spicy turkey risotto which is HOT HOT HOT but at a generous dinner for 394 cals... tasty tasty! Four ingredients I am NEVER without in my fridge. Garlic, raw chills, ginger and lemons. I would get so bored with food if I didnt spice them up:) Baked sweet potato filled with cottage cheese.. nice lunch. If you tell me your fave meals, I will try help you make them healthy :) Good luck!
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    I think the key is to figure out what you are going to eat before you actually eat it, that way you know how many calories are in it. I think you also have to truly think about how the food you have always eaten might be why you are trying to lose weight. You don't have to cut everything out just change how you make stuff/ portion size. As for low calorie dishes, I love the Hungry Girl cookbooks/ website. She also have a show, I forget what channel, but she shows you how to make stuff you like such as egg mcmuffins or chocolate cake but in low calorie versions. Good Luck and remember you can do this!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    You should get some healthy eating recipe books. I do that and cook from them every night. I substitute some of the full fat things for low fat things. Like, shredded cheese I use 2% milk low fat, mayo I use lowfat, sourcream lowfat, olive oil to cook with instead of butter, etc. It's a learning process I know but you will get used to it. At the grocery store start looking at the calories and fat on some of the labels. If something has 30% of your daily fat, you know that is a big no no. Biggest of all try to eliminate a good portion of processed foods. If you are doing this to be healthy along with losing weight, stay away from the mac n cheese and use that as only a cheat meal. I am starting out with eliminating the worst of the worst.

    Another thing is, salads CAN be worse for you than a cheeseburger if you get them from a restaurant OR if you put too much of the wrong stuff on them at home. Try to skip the cheese from your salad or just put a measured out little portion of cheese, skip the ham and fatty meats. You can put a piece of boneless skinless chicken breast on your salad. Also, try to stay away from CREAMY dressings. Those scream fat and calories (ranch, bleu cheese, etc). Instead, go for OIL based dressings like Italian (I get lowfat and tastes great!), raspberry vinegarette, red wine vinegarette, etc.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    check out Skinny Taste. there are some really good recipes there:

  • georgiagorwell
    How about trying some simple meals, that way you can see exactly what they are and what they are comprised of, e.g grilled salmon or chicken with steamed vegetables. :D