Advice on bloating

Im not actually overweight and am now toned everywhere appart from my stomach which seams to always be bloated, are there and recommencded food s to help with this as its hard to appreciate my slim figure when my belly still sticks out


  • pocketsam
    I am the same, 5 ft tall 98 lbs - you can actually see my dinner in my tummy from the bump LOL

    Refined carbs make me bloated eg white bread, white pasta, potato (more than a small baked potato and I puff out) oh and baked beans are not good to me!! lol

    I stick to wholemeal alternatives and sweet potatoes.

    A lot of people say too much sodium makes them bloat. Drink lots of water. I love green tea/peppermint tea which I think helps when you are actually bloated.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    Try cutting out wheat, milk based products and other different things because they may make you bloated. Cut one of them out 2 weeks at a time. If you see no change, move onto something else to cut out.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I was going to suggest eliminating dairy for two weeks or wheat for two weeks as well, they seem to cause bloating for a lot of people.
  • KirstyLea3
    Thanks guys, I think im going to have to try cutting few things out, see whats going on.