Taking the plunge

Hello everyone,

I thought I would be brave and say hello. My name is Rosie, I'm 31, and I live in London, England. I have been doing this for about three weeks now, and I love it! I have not weighed myself yet (don't want to risk being disillusioned!) but I can feel my clothes getting loser already, and I am relaly enjoying the increased energy I have from exercising. I love the message boards and seeing all the success stories. I have decided this is finally the time to reach a normal BMI. I am just very very intrigued to see what that looks like. I really can't imagine!
So anyway, enough rambling, I just wanted to say hi, and hello and good morning :)


  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Hello Rosie! Welcome!

    I have only been doing this less than a month, but it does keep me accountable to myself.

    Weigh yourself, that's the biggest boost for many, just seeing the scale. I personally prescribe to the way clothes fit, but I do like seeing a smaller number on that scale.

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • rosiesparkle100
    Thank you. I'm going to weigh myself after a month. I am terrified!
  • Sammy_k715
    Sammy_k715 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, hi, hello, and good morning to you too. Good luck with reaching your goals. Look forward to seeing ya around MFP. :happy:
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi im from south wales. im also 31 and been doing this for as long as you have x
    Goodluck x
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello fellow UK'er. Welcome, this site is great..... stick with it and we will all get to goal!
  • pobbles
    Hi there Rosie.......What are you afraid of?

    The scales will not lie......If you have lost weight then that is brilliant. If you haven't then do not lose heart.....Look in to where you have been slipping up and then you can act on it. You have taken the biggest step by being determined to lose the weight, so do not worry....be proud of what you have achieved.

    (I am in Cheshire by the way!)

    Have you tried the tracker system yet? I find it an incredible tool.....I enter every single thing I eat and drink. No point cheating on there as you are only fooling yourself! I find if something was to tempt me, I just remember that I need to enter it on to my tracker and would it take me over my daily allowance......that soon makes me think twice about what I am actually eating!

    Good luck and please let me know how you go on when you take the plunge!
  • rosiesparkle100
    Pobbles: yes: I have been tracking everything, and have been pretty good: the only times I have gone over is when I have been drinking (dammit!). I surely will weigh myself: I just want to make sure my body has has enough time to make a real change, and also I don't trust my scales! I know that when I have done diets in the past I have weighed myself too often and got disheartened with the daily fluctuations and given up. I want the first time I weigh myself to show quite a decent loss to give me a big boost! i promise to start recording from next week!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • bahrainbel
    I'm 31, and based in the UK too :smile:

    If you can feel a change in your clothes, you have more than likely, lost weight. I did my first weigh this morning, it was a massive motivator. :happy:
  • rosiesparkle100
    Bravo Bahrainbel!
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Bahrainbel thats fantastic. xx keep up the good work x
  • bahrainbel
    Thanks very much :)