A Day off ???

HI All .. happy Friday :bigsmile:

I'm contemplating a day off dieting, I've been super strict since I start on 27th December and lost 20 pounds, Im thinking a day off this Sunday might actually do me good, I do not think I have gone over on my calorie count once in fact I have been well under every day .. wot do you think?

I'll still make much better food choices and log my food, but think a day my do my metabolism good, anyone experienced this or done it ??



  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    definitely take a day off!! I would definitely get a workout in so you can relax a litte.
  • traceytoo
    hahah, thank you .. that's definitely the kind of reply I was hoping for !!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's a good idea. Your body gets used to whatever your doing. Throwing a few extra calories in won't hurt you and it may rev up your metabolism. Just be careful to keep it to the one day. :)
  • traceytoo
    Oh I willl .. I have a willpower of iron !!!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    A 'day off' is good for you mentally and physically. (if you want the science behind it just google 'cheat days'). Well done on your success so far.:drinker: :drinker:

    Enjoy your day off
  • traceytoo
    aw, thank you sunshine ......
  • princess_f
    ive been doing it for 4 weeks and already had 2 days off lol. one was a shopping trip involving pizza hut and one was just a bad evening involving Chinese & chocolate and im still loosing! Go for it, like you say log it and then get back on track the next day x
  • bahrainbel
    I plan on having a day off every couple of weeks, to go out for pizza or get a Chinese, or drink way too much beer.

    Have a blow out, you deserve it.
  • traceytoo
    thank you ... every time I see your picture I can't help but think how much you look like Mo Slater out of Eastenders lol... probably only that one picture, but it's such a likeness :bigsmile:
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I regularly have one night a week as a treat night. Tends to be a Friday or Saturday night when I allow myself a takeaway or a glass of wine and some chocolate. I think it makes me work harder the rest of the week and is the reason I have lasted four months of dieting. If I totally deprived myself of everything I know I would be tempted to completely binge on chocolate at some stage. This way, I look forward to my treat evening each week and really relish it as a treat for all my hard work.

    Good luck!

    p.s also it apparently sends your body into shock mode to have a cheat day every once in a while. Meaning next time you diet/gym the pounds will drop off. Basically too much dieting and too much gymming means your body gets used to it.
  • traceytoo
    thanks all, really helpful responses .. Im not going to go mad, but im going to a carvery on sunday, so would like to treat myself to a nice roast dinner, slight bigger than a usual diet meal ..so am looking forward to that emmmmmm :bigsmile:
  • bahrainbel
    thank you ... every time I see your picture I can't help but think how much you look like Mo Slater out of Eastenders lol... probably only that one picture, but it's such a likeness :bigsmile:

    I presume you mean Liitle Mo, not Big Mo :tongue:
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    After the great work you have done, I say take a day off and relax, kick back and enjoy!!! Sounds like you have the will power to get back on track after !!!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Every time I deny myself something, all I can do is think about it until I hunt it down and gorge myself with it. I think a day off once in a while is good. I think you will find you will still make some smart choices and not totally binge. Just don't forget to drink your water.

    Enjoy! :happy:
  • traceytoo
    :laugh: I definitely meant little Mo .. it's Princess_f above ,she really looks like her, :bigsmile:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    That's a long time without a little indulgence. I'd be in the looney bin if I went that long.
  • sjw2604
    Hey FIRST POST ALERT!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am new and as yet havnt added a pic but i just saw this whilst looking around and wanted to say..........go for it! You are all doing so so so well. This site is really helping me too.

    I have only been on here since Monday. I have been exercising for a while but am now starting to diet majorly. I go Boxing and do a lot of circuit training...........my arms hurt so much today its hard to type lol.

    I dont know about any of you but years of yo yo dieting and ridiculously low calorie diets messed up my metabolism to the point where i only had to look at food and i put weight on and found it really hard to lose any. So i have spent a couple of months on 5 small meals a day.............I put weight on to start with BUT i have been assured this is the right thing to do and now dieting PROPERLY since monday i had a sneaky weigh and quite a bit has gone!!!!

    Anyway waffling on my trainer reckons that a treat once a week is something you should do as it kicks your metabolism up the bum lol and gives it a boost xx
  • fionacathcart
    fionacathcart Posts: 1 Member
    have a blow out, i am a big believer in doing this as i think it helps keep motivation to keep going
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Personally I wouldn't have a whole day off but I'd def relax the rules for a lovely dinner (and some nice white wine)
  • carolinegeorgia
    hahaha go for it, have the roast and enjoy every mouthful, promise I won't call u a fat pig ;-))))))))))