Feeling really, really tired?

Hi All,

I am 10 days in... and I am so bloody tired!

Not sure if it is just the miserable weather or the fact I have drastically cut down the calories? (gone from eating pretty big portions of not so healthy food to 1200cals per day!!)

I don't feel hungry but I do feel the same tiredness I do when I am hungry.

Is this nornal?

(I have been drinking lots of water, eating lots of fresh veg and salad and I am meeting my 1200 cals per day)


  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    A change in your diet is going to affect how you feel for a short while, especially if you were eating a lot of carbs/sugar before.
    Make sure you're getting the right balance of protein/fat/carbs all three are essential.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You shouldn't drop your calories to the lowest setting right off. You need to work down to that. I would up your calories a bit if you can. Also, you could be anemic- which is common because the less you eat, the less likely you are to be getting the nutrients you need. You can ask the doc to check. I've also found that a multivitamin helps. Mine has iron because I am anemic. Hope that helps. :)
  • maysflower
    I find that exercising really helps to beat the tired feeling. If your not already exercising, I would recommend a nice walk in the morning or early evening. The weather is sucky right now, but getting outside will help brighten your mood no matter what it's like out there.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Thanks guys,

    I am not looking to lose a vast amount (I need to drop another 15lbs) so MFP automatically put me at 1200cals.

    I may pop to my Dr's - for a general overhaul and see what she says?

    I think it's just the end of a very long week (plus London has been dark and grey for weeks and weeks now which doesn't help!! I need my vitamin D LOL)

    maysflower - I am working out (cardio 4 times per week) plus I walk 40 minutes per day so I am getting some excercise in!
  • bahrainbel
    I've had this problem too, I have been absolutely knackered all week, I am hoping it's just an adjustment period. 1200 calories is not a lot, it's making me really grumpy too.
  • nbfield
    I felt the same way for the first two weeks and really wasn't losing. I upped my calories to 1500 this week. I feel so much better and I managed to lose 2.8 lbs this week. This is the most I have lost since dropping to 1200. I am pretty sure 1200 was too low for me and was putting me into starvation mode. All you can do is try at 1500 for a week and see if it helps.

    You could also find out what your BMR is and subtract from your calories needed for your body type and daily activity levels. Rule of thumb is subtract 500 to lose 1 lb a week and 1000 to lose 2 lbs a week. So if you BMR is 2678, you should be consuming 1678 in calories for the week to acheive a 2 lb weekly loss.

    Also take a look at your intake from your food logs. Make sure you are meeting all criteria ie fat, protein, carbs, fiber and not just focusing on calories. You could be meeting your calories, but are they empty calories?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You might not be eating enough. I had a dramatic drop in energy when I first started because my body wasn't used to eating so few calories, and also because I wasn't getting nearly enough protein. I would suggest increasing your intake for a bit -- slower weight loss, but less stress on your body. You can always adjust it again later when you get used to this new lifestyle.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    A quick glimpse over my food diary shows that I am eating too much protein and not enough fat or carbs??

    This is the pattern since I started?

    Could this be making me very tired?