Does anyone else get scared....

DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
edited September 23 in Success Stories
...when you succeed? I reached a mini goal today....the 180's. Yes, I did it...I stepped on the scale this morning and it read, 189.6!!! Wait a minute! Wait ONE MINUTE! WHAT!?! My scale said 189.6? YEP!!! It did. And now, I'll share a scares the crap out of me! I know that sounds stupid but I'm scared that 189.6 might go away and I don't want it to. In the past, if I lost a single pound, I 'd get all excited but I never would share the news with a single soul, why? Because, in my experience....I've always gained it back. Maybe it's because I don't have very much weight to lose so my body is comfortable and hanging on like hell to every pound, which usually results in me giving up. I always just settle because I am within the "healthy" weight range for my height (just the high end of it) My goals were very simple, lose 10-15 lbs or 1 pant size (which ever comes first) and tone up. I still haven't lost a pant size, but I have toned up a lot and have lost about 5 lbs so far. I realize this is a small step, but for me it's huge. I don't want to settle anymore, that's why I'm telling everyone about my small victory. I WILL hang on to it this time and keep moving in the right direction.
Everyone have a great day!


  • nbloom
    nbloom Posts: 14
    Your words are very inspirational and I agree with you 100% about reaching mini goals and having that fear of them disappearing,'s happened to me many times. I want to do the same as you and keep going and not settle! Thanks for the great message :-)
  • Well done!!! Feel happy babe!!! :))) xxx
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm scared that once I hit my goal weight I'm not going to worry anymore and go back to where I started from.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Congrats on the mini goal! I hit one not too long ago and had the same sense of fear because I didn't want my excitement to be ruined if I fluctuated a little. Just rest assured knowing that you have the tools and know-how to keep at it.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Yes I do too because like you I'm afraid it might not last. But wait a minute. I'm just too damn stubborn to let it happen. It will not happen, I will succeed and so will you. All we need to do is keep our "new" healthier lifestyle. Don't let it draw you in to going back to your "old" ways. I'm not. Damn right, I'm not. I have faith in us to be winners!!!!!!!
  • I have had the tendency of doing the same hitting a mini target and if its a signicant one like half stone or stone - I feel great but then do the stupid thing and relax too much. I had reached 3 stone target and then put back on 10lbs in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now back on track this week and hoping not to undo all the hard work again.
    I was told that I do have a self-destructive tendancy though so at least now I can recognise what I'm doing and hopefully change it.

    Keep that positive and set yourself another mini target that still in the 180s even if its just a 2lb target - I find that is now what works for me (I do 2lbs, 5lbs & 7lbs mini targets).
  • dbosh
    dbosh Posts: 40 Member
    Shout it from the rooftops. You have worked hard to lose what you have lost and you should be proud of it. For me it has helped to get other people involved and supporting my changes. Once you put it out there, it is easier to stay motivated. Other people's support and expectations are a big motivating factor for me. If you keep it to yourself, it may be easier to backslide and only you will know. Build a strong support base and keep on workin it.
  • Omg your exactly like me, i am just at the end of the 'healthy range', although i'm at that range, i don't look or feel slim or happy with my self. My goal was about 14/15 pounds to lose just to get at a nice comfortable size to look toned and great however when i lost about 8 lbs in a month, suddenly the scales were creeping up, and i was soooo scared i would get at that horrible weight again and end up giving up. However i WON'T give up and i'm sure that's not an option for you either! we will both do this, especially when i just got half way though and your making such great progress losing the lbs, So good luck and soldier on!!!

    'fight the fat' ;)
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    189.6 will go away, to be replaced with 186.5..4..3..2..1..179.6! Keep up the good work.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I'm scared that once I hit my goal weight I'm not going to worry anymore and go back to where I started from.

    You and me both. When I met my goal weight before I did it by exercise only. When I "made" it I thought 'great! I lost the weight now I don't have to work out anymore." I gained back 15 lbs after that. Now my biggest fear is that I lose it all again and then stop trying. Thankfully I've changed my eating habits and I know that this is a lifestyle change and NOT a diet.

    Best of luck to everyone on their journey.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My scale doesn't say 189.6 anymore....oh no! It said 188.4!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My scale doesn't say 189.6 anymore....oh no! It said 188.4!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Good for you!! I can totally relate. I hit my low weight (142) several months ago, and I was afraid of what I call the "bounce." Many years ago, I lost the same amount of weight and got down to 140. I think I was 140 for like a day, and then "bounced" back up. I really want this time to be different and keep the weight off for good. But then the holidays hit with all the indulgence and lack of exercise, and you guessed it, my weight is creeping up. I might be fine with 145, but last I checked, I was at 148. :frown: I have been exercising, maybe not as consistently, but still. But the indulgent food continues.

    Anyway, thanks for this. It's good to know I'm not alone. :flowerforyou:
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I recently got down to a pant size I haven't been in since early high school. I'm terrified to get rid of my pants because I'm afraid they're the size I'm "supposed" to be in since I've been in them for almost 20 years. I am going to do it, though...get rid of them all. It's scary, but it's a risk I'm totally willing to take because I feel and look better than I have in years!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    UPDATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My scale doesn't say 189.6 anymore....oh no! It said 188.4!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Good for you!! I can totally relate. I hit my low weight (142) several months ago, and I was afraid of what I call the "bounce." Many years ago, I lost the same amount of weight and got down to 140. I think I was 140 for like a day, and then "bounced" back up. I really want this time to be different and keep the weight off for good. But then the holidays hit with all the indulgence and lack of exercise, and you guessed it, my weight is creeping up. I might be fine with 145, but last I checked, I was at 148. :frown: I have been exercising, maybe not as consistently, but still. But the indulgent food continues.

    Anyway, thanks for this. It's good to know I'm not alone. :flowerforyou:

    You're definitely not alone...I have never dieted consistently so I've never had this much success. Usually, I'll lose a couple of pounds and than gain it right back...just because I would get lazy. Not this time...this is the real deal! We can do it!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I hear ya! Get rid of them! I kind of did the opposite, I've always been thin until I had my son, so I have very few "big girl clothes" and a whole lot of clothes that don't fit but I refuse to get rid of lol. Funny because a few days ago, I made the decision to get rid of all of my old skinny clothes if I reach my goal weight.....and treat myself to new ones :happy:
  • I get so excited when the numbers on the scale go down, but then the anxiety hits when it's time to weigh in again. I want to lose this weight so bad and I'm really trying, but it just seems to come off so slowly and even just normal fluctuations make my efforts seem worthless sometimes. But I'm not going to give up!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    I think a lot of us are afraid for many reason. I know I have been changing my eating habits, eating better, eating right, eating less. Can I keep this up. I love love love food. All kinds. Then I think, crap I will have to go shopping. I love love shopping but don't have it in my budget and if I lose my target weight my clothes will fall completely down. And yes, the ultimate worry, will I gain it back, I don't want to gain it back. However, like at said at the beginning, I am changing my eating habits, so I think it we build a healthy lifestyle and stick to it even after we become slim and trim we have nothing worry about. :bigsmile:
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