Processed foods

So I was thinking the other day. Isn't Jenny Craig and all those meals that are delivered to your house? Are those not processed foods to? If so then why is it successful if everyone thinks you need to stay completely away from processed foods. I still eat processed foods not all the time but I have been very successful. Just a thought.


  • jillMoose
    jillMoose Posts: 45 Member
    my two cents...
    i think "success" and "healthy" mean different things to different people. i am a new mfp member and i was surprised that a lot of people's diaries contained a lot of frozen, premade, and fast foods and were totally missing whole foods, fruits, and veggies. i by no means have perfect eating habits but i DO try and limit my intake of processed foods and really try to get fruits and veggies in my diet. i stay away (mostly) from hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup and ariticial sweeteners. (um, except my slim fast shake snacks)

    i guess different goals = different meanings of "success"!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You can still lose weight by eating processed foods. But, it's not just a matter of losing weight; it's a matter of "how healthy do you want to be"? Processed foods have added sodium and chemicals to preserve them. Eating natural, whole foods is best for overall health. But, you could eat 1200 calories in twinkies and still lose weight.. hypothetically.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    There are different types of processed food. Frozen dinners are one type, Cheetos are a different type. You can lose weight while eating frozen meals or junk food, but you won't be as healthy as you would if you were making all your own food.

    The reason why eating fresh, homemade food is better is because you have complete control over everything that goes into your meals. You control the levels of sugar, sodium, etc. And whole foods are better for your body because they're more natural. Whole grain bread is better than white bread because the carbs aren't as refined. A fresh strawberry is better than a strawberry fruit snack because it's natural.

    If all you care about is weight loss, eat whatever you want. If you care about actual overall health, stop eating processed foods.
  • JenTakeTen
    JenTakeTen Posts: 4 Member
    They are incredibly processed-- all of 'em - Jenny, WW, nutri system...they are successful because the portions are right and the calories are low. Processed foods are bad for you because they have additives, preservatives, loads of sodium and forms of MSG that has been known to spike insulin response, which actually causes you to crave more processed food. They just don't have as much good stuff as whole foods in their natural form do.

    I hope this site helps:

    Take care!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I think I worded the question wrong. I knew all of that I actually majored in personal training. I guess I was saying there is such an emphasis on those foods that its amazing how many people use it. I feel as though its very hard to stay away from everything that is processed.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I've limited most of the process foods in my life so thats an accomplishment in itself. I know I could possibly do it entirely if I put in more effort to but at the moment I'm ok right where I am. If we took the time to really learn how to cook from scratch it can be done. At one time thats all there ever was yanno. I think when I get more time on my hands I will give it a try. Maybe this summer.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think I worded the question wrong. I knew all of that I actually majored in personal training. I guess I was saying there is such an emphasis on those foods that its amazing how many people use it. I feel as though its very hard to stay away from everything that is processed.

    People use those products because they're easy. A lot of people today don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't tell you how many people on here have posted that they don't eat any fruits or vegetables, that eating them actually makes them physically sick. Parents don't insist their kids eat healthy foods because the kids say they don't like them. The kids grow up without nutrition education. They rely on processed foods for their entire lives. Our whole society suffers from this problem. If we really want to change things we have to make sure we learn as much as we can and that we teach it to our children. Make sure the next generation knows better than to make the same mistakes we did.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I eat processed foods like Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, etc for lunch at work. I have had success losing weight. I don't have a problem with them.

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I think I worded the question wrong. I knew all of that I actually majored in personal training. I guess I was saying there is such an emphasis on those foods that its amazing how many people use it. I feel as though its very hard to stay away from everything that is processed.

    People use those products because they're easy. A lot of people today don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't tell you how many people on here have posted that they don't eat any fruits or vegetables, that eating them actually makes them physically sick. Parents don't insist their kids eat healthy foods because the kids say they don't like them. The kids grow up without nutrition education. They rely on processed foods for their entire lives. Our whole society suffers from this problem. If we really want to change things we have to make sure we learn as much as we can and that we teach it to our children. Make sure the next generation knows better than to make the same mistakes we did.

    Well put.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I think that what a person chooses to eat or not eat or how its prepared depends on their lifestyle. We all want to lose weight here and be healthier. I think some folks are just crunched for time and the prepared meals are fine. They ARE better than Mickey's or whoever but not as healthy as cooking. I cook. I used to do the noodles and sauce in a pouch thing too. Stouffer's lasagne? Yup. Slowly, over the last 10 years, we have stopped buying that stuff. We are also making a great effort to control portions and add more vegetables. We don't do organic, we can't afford it. We DO fresh and plain frozen vegetables. It sounds pretty spartan, but its not. Once the enhanced tastes of processed food has left your tastebuds, you will realize and appreciate how good simple, fresh flavors are. A little salt? Yup. A little butter once in a while? Sure. Just not always. My cooking skills have vastly improved too. It didn't happen overnight and there were a few disasters, but we lived to tell about it.

    I agree completely with the OP who mentioned folks who do not know how to cook. Simple, basic cooking is not rocket science. My Mom always said, "If you can read, you can cook."
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I think I worded the question wrong. I knew all of that I actually majored in personal training. I guess I was saying there is such an emphasis on those foods that its amazing how many people use it. I feel as though its very hard to stay away from everything that is processed.

    People use those products because they're easy. A lot of people today don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't tell you how many people on here have posted that they don't eat any fruits or vegetables, that eating them actually makes them physically sick. Parents don't insist their kids eat healthy foods because the kids say they don't like them. The kids grow up without nutrition education. They rely on processed foods for their entire lives. Our whole society suffers from this problem. If we really want to change things we have to make sure we learn as much as we can and that we teach it to our children. Make sure the next generation knows better than to make the same mistakes we did.

    I feel the exact same way. Thats why I went into personal training bc I was one of those kids that didn't get nutrition bc we couldn't afford it. I feel very strongly about teaching my little girl about food and nutrtion. She loves fruit and veggies I am glad. She doesn't know anything diff. It is very sad how we eat and live... All of the dinners I make they are from scratch bc my husband doesn't get the nutrtion he needs during the day he doesn't care like I do bc he is naturally thin. I am very passionate about nutrtion adn wellness. Alot of people don't see that its just not about food and exercise its about the whole well being. I used to be bulimic and so thats why I have very passionate about it. I could talk all day about this stuff. I love it.