HI Im Kim & Im new to MFP

Katfrench Posts: 27
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I started using MFP about 1 month ago and think it's great! I've been exercising & eatting right for over 6 weeks and I really have had some ups & downs! I really feel alot healthier but I struggle w/ being patient. I have to constantly remind myself that its only been 6 weeks. I've lost 6 pounds in that time frame but I really don't see it in the mirror. I cant wait for the day that I hear a friend or family member say WOW you've lost weight. I don't know why I need that but it would just help. I've been working soo hard :)


  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Hi Kim :happy: Welcome. My name is Kim as well. Everyone needs that validation for the efforts we put into whatever it is we do. I love to hear it when someone tells me that I look like I've lost weight! We all do. Feel free to add me if you like. Keep pressing on and you'll soon see it. Good luck!
  • rita1970
    rita1970 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss, keep up the good work and it will pay off for you!!!:smile:
  • Hi Kim!
    I SOO know how that goes. Me and my friends all started dieting together and one of them said something to me, that may help you.
    I was super bummed cause I was only down 2.4 pounds after working out SOO hard all week. She said ," Look at it this way, picture two pounds of hamburger, thats whats NOT in your body anymore" It's kinda gross to picture. But it helps me when I lose just a few pounds here and there.
    Hope that helps

    -Donna :)
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Kim - Wow, we're very similiar. I'm Kim as well. Started off 6 weeks ago at 168, I'm now 160.5. I can't wait to be in my 150s again. Great job so far. Keep it up. I'm sending a friend request.
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