Hi :)

My name is Valerie, im 20 years old, I have a 19 month old and the last time i weighed myself I was at 210-215. Im planning on loosing at least 2O pounds. I'm really new to all of this. Has anyone tried the zumba dvds? have they worked for you? Hope to get to know some of you more so I can have more work out buddies lol


  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to the site!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I have a 4 yr old. My sister LOVES her zumba dvds. I personally use EA Sports Active 2 for xbox kinect as well as several different dvds.
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member

    Welcome. I suggest you start by just going on walks/jogs. Do some push ups and sit ups and start eating right! Don't worry about getting any fancy videos or works outs.

    Good Luck -

  • CoachKarlaHelps
    CoachKarlaHelps Posts: 19 Member
    P90X worked for me. LOTS of my friends started with Turbo Jam and they LOVE IT! I just adore Tony Horton (as you can tell from my picture. lol) Do you have a nutrition plan? That is why the X and Jam work. They include the diet guide. Valerie is right about the eating right. It all starts in the kitchen. I lost 60 pounds!!!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    hi :) ive recently ordered the zumba game for the wii but it hasnt arrived yet :( but i go to zumba on a tues nite and wana start goin on a sun nite too

    best wishes
    Kirstie x

    ps add me if u wana :)
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    I have two kids and both were big babies, my son being the biggest @ 10lbs 2 ozs. And I had gestational diabetes so I gained a lot. I am still struggling to get back to my pre babies weight. But I have the Zumba DVDS and they are a lot of fun! They are more fun if you have someone to do it with. I am going to join a gym to mix it up a little bit because it is getting repetitive but they are fun and after the first time I felt sore so it def works the muscles!! Good luck on your journey!!! :smile: