
hello guys... :D

I am useless at sticking to diets and exercise it will intrest me for about 3 weeks then i get bored...i will then eat crappy foods.....and then feel ****ty about it....!!

iv put on 3 stone since having my son 3 years ago.. :(

I did lose nearly 2stone following sliming world...but then quit and the weight just pilled back on..!!!!!..

I am going on my first family holliday in march with my boyfriend and son and want to be confidente enough to enjoy my holiday....

any advise and tips would be greatly appriciated....

thanks guys...xxxxxx


  • jackieelizabeth
    jackieelizabeth Posts: 14 Member
    hiii :) i no people who were trying to lose weight after a pregnancy and "aqua-full" has really helped them :D its a line of products but the best are the packets you mix into a 16 oz water bottle.. they taste like juice but feel you up like a large snack and end cravings until your next meal time! i reccomend the orange pomegranate flavor.. and i hope this helps. Good luckkk
  • joemma
    joemma Posts: 22 Member
    .thanks for the advice...
    im willing to give anything a try....
    hhhmmmm dont know if i can stick to just drinking jucies tho.... wont i just put the weight back on when i come off them??
    I will look in to them more and maybe give them a go :D
  • momsbrats2005
    momsbrats2005 Posts: 8 Member
    All you need is some great support from your family and friends. I think it helps having the food diary and staying with in your goal calories you just have to find what work for you. A little exercise is pretty good, too. If you get in to schedule exercising it is good, too, like taking a walk after supper with family then you get the support and your family involved. I am sure your family and friends would be glad to right there helping you out how ever they can. I will be here to help motivate you, too! :happy:
  • longlegslenore
    I don't necessarily think you need a new diet Jo! I think that if you start tracking what you eat and stay to your calorie goal and once a day do something exercise wise you will do great! And the exercise wise thing doesn't even have to be big. It could be something you do at home, It could be taking mogs to the park, it could be you going on a walk or something smaller. As long as you strive to do at least something everyday you will be the weight you want in no time! I have a friend in the states who is doing this her nae is Dina and she tried for years to stick to a diet or the newest fad diet, None of them worked till she got on here. She tracks her calorie intake daily and she does a little something too, It could be for her shoveling snow for twenty minutes to talking a walk for thirty. But she has lost 11 pounds which is almost a full stone since she started myfitnessplan. I have faith that you can do this. This whole program is not just about crash dieting and seeing results instantly. It is changing your lifestyle so that you can healthily lose the weight and KEEP IT OFF FOREVER! You can do this I know you can! We will have bikini ready bodies in no time! <3
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Hiya, Id say invest in 30 day Shred by Jillian'll be done by mid-march!! Just eat as healthy as you can with it and you'll do great!!

    Good Luck
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    At the end of the day, theres no point doing some great big life change if you feel when you've got to a happy point it will all come back on again... best advice you're gonna get is to keep it simple...

    1. Make small changes to the way you eat...
    2. Try and drink some water (even if its not the 8 cups a day...I cant do it..3-4 I can manage but its something...)
    3. Add exercise... at least 2--3 times a week...

    Trust just making small changes, its easier to stick to and the weight will drop off nice and steady...not all at once just to be piled back on again...

