I have a question for people who have "cheat days"

Belle_Fille Posts: 469
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been here for 3 weeks now and have NOT had a cheat day since signing up here. (i dont remember if ive been under my cals for 3 weeks or not but ive tried damn hard!) But tonight I am 423 over on my calories (before my work out) and 800 and something over on sodium. after my work out i'll probably only be like 150 or so over on calories. hopefully less. im going to try to push myself hard tonight.

but i just feel guilty. weigh in is sunday...is this going to totally kill me?! i know its only one day and wont ruin my life. but i mean will it affect what i see on the scale sunday too bad?


  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Actually it could help. If you gover 150 cals just go under 150 cals tomorrow. Its called zig zagging cals and for some people it works well.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Whenever I go over on soium I make sure to up my water intake, it usually helps.
  • I allow myself cheat days... but usually only once I've weighed in for the week. This way if I go too overboard, I will still have all week to correct the scale. However, everyone's different, this is just works for me!

    I personally believe cheat days are important. If I allow myself to indulge every once and a while, I'm much more likely to be good the rest of the week!

    Don't be too hard on yourself though... we all have those days where we go over!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    No way! A pound takes 3500 calories so I really don't think your 150 calorie overage is going to hurt you any. Drink more water than usual to flush out the extra sodium, and DON'T STRESS! The stress is more likely to effect your weight loss than a few extra calories.
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. It's ok to slip every now and then. My thought on a cheat day is a reward for a goal reached. Like a weight or an amount of excercise completed. Remeber it's about the long haul.

    So you weigh in. Set a relaistic goal for the next two weeks and go for it. Then reward yourself - reasonably and repeat until you reach your ultimate goal.

    But be patient and don't give up!!!

    Good Luck.

  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I think you'll be fine. Drink a lot of water to make up for all that sodium.
  • thanks everyone! i feel better now! :-)
  • I agree with polo571. But also I add --> don't worry about it. Just regroup and get back on track tomorrow. You want to be thinking as what you are doing as "a way of life". There will be days where you just go over. Just make sure that they are the exception and not the rule. Your body doesn't "think" in days, it just responds to the overall pattern of the inputs you are feeding it with. If your overall trend is (a) eating less then you are burning as monitored and controlled via myfitnesspal, and (b) increased nutritional value from the consuming a whole lot more of the basic building blocks of life (fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables) then your goal will be achieved in time and you will have set the stage for your ongoing "way of life".

    Finally, Belle_Fille, love yourself. You are an amazing human being and you have begun a transformational journey with the decision you have made to go for your goal. This was a great act of self love. Inside you, that beautiful loving you is already there. You might think you will love yourself more when you finally lose the weight but I can tell you from personal experience that you will lose more weight the more you love yourself - now, rather than later. Go through each day with a quiet inner smile knowing that deep within you, sits the powerful loving you. As each day you live from that strength, the slim lean body you are seeking will simply appear from within inside your existing body, as if by magic. I hope that helps. Gerald
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I think you'll be fine. I have gone over by 500 cals on a day before and still lost for the week. Though I do not recommend it one bad day won't hurt you. Keep up the good work!
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