Exercise hurts! Any suggestions?

MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I am really just starting out on this journey and need some advice. I can't do a lot jumping, hopping, throwing myself around my living room, crawling on the floor-type exercise. I know walking is an option, but what to do those days that it's 17 degrees and raining. I know realistically I am not going out in weather like that. I started with a BMI of 49.6. With dieting alone, I am now at 39.2. But I know dieting is not enough. I am morbidly obese, accodring to all the charts and doctors, even though I don't feel that way. Any ideas for this flab?


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I LOVE Leslie Sansone walking dvd's... you can get at walmart, gives you such a good workout! and it's to hard on your body... my other fav is Hip Hop Abs, but that might be too much jumping around... I would definitely check out those walking dvd's tho, they wear you out, but you get stronger each time doing them!

    Good job on lowering you body fat and keep at it!
  • do you have any medical conditions that prevent you from working out? if not I say you have to just get up and do it! modify things so its not so hard on you at first.
  • lradloff
    lradloff Posts: 59 Member
    I would look into different exercise videos... find low impact ones to start with, and gradually work your way into higher impact ones as you lose and get stronger! I am just getting into the exercise dvd world... so I don't have suggestions for you. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • What about buying a mini trampoline or a skipping rope? Swimming or aqua aerobics are non impact - DVD's are good (and inexpensive) Trying weights or using a step - hiring a treadmill or exercise bike - Wish you well on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    @ Belle-Fille: Not really... Fibromyalgia. But that's a whole different story. And it's another reason to lose the weight. I am trying to sort of "cut it off at the pass." My fibro pain is pretty minimal compared to the joint pain and stiffness. Can I just mention that I am only 32! I sound like I'm falling apart. I guess in a way I am. Now I'm just trying to put it all back together again. No more Humpty Dumpty for me! :-)
  • sosamantha
    sosamantha Posts: 2 Member
    Hi MaysMom,

    You're doing an awesome job so far! The weather is a real factor for me, too, and so I decided to get a gym membership. However, before doing that, I was a big fan of at home workout tapes. I enjoyed the walking workout tapes the most; they weren't crazy, over the top aerobics, but they got my heart rate up. They also vary in terms of difficulty, so you can get one that can grow with you for a little while. Simple aerobics tapes were good, too.

    Also, I was able to do Tae-bo tapes even when I was around 230 pounds. The trick was just to know myself and modify the exercises so that I was doing them very safely and very slowly. It also gave me something to look forward to--I knew I would be kicking and punching more and more the slimmer I got. So it was motivational, too. Just do not try too much at first, because they do strenuous things on the tapes and you just have to pace yourself so that you feel worked but not in pain or completely exhausted.

    I hope this helps!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I agree with the people above. You are going to have to start slow and work your way up. Find something low impact. Go to the gym and use the elliptical or walk on the treadmill. But here's the thing - eventually, when you get to the point where you can handle a little more intense workout, it's GOING to hurt. There is no way around it. But all the motivational quotes that you hear - i.e. No pain, no gain; Pain is just weakness leaving the body, etc. - have been around for a long time for a reason. They are 100 percent true. Good luck with everything!! You're going to do great!
  • sturchem
    sturchem Posts: 15 Member
    If you have a Wii, the Wii fit is a great option. If not, get yourself a Netflix membership. They have several DVDs that you can stream from your computer to try or you can rent a DVD workout and try it before spending $20-$30 on it.
  • try walking around your house with some upbeat music....get some resistive bands from target/walmart and add those to help with burning calories...march in place and as you can do knee ups...anything you can do to activiate your body is good...look up the book "the 90 day challenge" by Phil and Amy Parham who were on the Biggest Loser...its a good book to get you motivated.
  • MsPitt
    MsPitt Posts: 78
    Do you like to dance at all? It's totally possible to get grooving without jumping and hopping around too much. You could let your inner child out to play and pretend to be a ballerina for a few minutes several times a day! Or, do a google search for Salsa or Belly Dance!

    You'll be amazed at what your body can eventually do if you start small and trust your instincts.
  • @ Belle-Fille: Not really... Fibromyalgia. But that's a whole different story. And it's another reason to lose the weight. I am trying to sort of "cut it off at the pass." My fibro pain is pretty minimal compared to the joint pain and stiffness. Can I just mention that I am only 32! I sound like I'm falling apart. I guess in a way I am. Now I'm just trying to put it all back together again. No more Humpty Dumpty for me! :-)
    im only 20 and was having horrible joint pain. problems with joints run in my family (as well as obesity, diabetes, blood clots...i could go on all day) and even thought i havent lost very much weight yet, my joints feel SO MUCH better already! just from drinking more water, and getting up and making myself work out!
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