zumba wii vs. zumba dvds

anyone have these? what do you like? what do you not like? which do you think is better? i'm thinking about getting one or the other...

i've gone to maybe a dozen classes the past 2 months and have so much fun but still feel pretty out of the loop on a lot of the moves. but i love it!


  • amancay
    I would urge you to show up before, or stay after class and ask the instructor to help you out with a specifc step that is troubling you... I can't imagine a true Zumbista being unwilling to make it a better experience for you!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    I just got done doing 40 mins on my Wii...sweating like crazy, muscles in the thighs twitching, and I love it!!! It's the workout that doesn't feel like work when you're doing it :) I'm a big fan!!
  • kymlynn13
    kymlynn13 Posts: 28 Member
    I have the zumba for the kinect and I like it, but its no substitute for the real thing. If you are good at motivating yourself then the video game is pretty awesome. But taking the classes is so much better if you had that option.
  • MeggieBoo85
    From all the reviews I have read the games aren't nearly as accurate as the dvds can help you be. My friend loved her game until she came over to do the dvds with me. They cover A LOT more and break down the steps sooo well where the games dont do a lot of justice. However the games are alot cheaper. But if you already like the classes you would probably prefer the dvds.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I have the DVDs and love them! I've had them since last June and I'm still not tired of them. Of course I would love a new update, but I still look forward to my Zumba time. It is not possible for me to go to a class 3-4 times a week, so the DVDs have been a godsend!
  • stacielynn1
    Well i have the zumba dvd's and the zumba for kinect and i love them both! The dvds however do come with the shake sticks and a instruction booklet of how to rotate the dvds to get the max workout! I also take the zumba classes 5 times a week at my local gym. So as you can tell i love to zumba and have lost alot of weight even before i started this site!!!