Newbie Enters The Room.....

mumknowsbest Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, this is my first day here, so i'm just learning, be kind!! lol Ihave a goal of about 50ish kgs to lose, which when I think about it it is the weight of both my children together!!!!!!!! OMG I have tryed other diets in the past but have fallen off the wagon many times. I feel that losing weight is so hard to do on your own, so here I am. I hope to make some great friends along the way.


  • Hi,
    I'm here because I can't seem to do this on my own. I need motivation. I hope that this will help me get moving and be accountable. I'll make mistakes and slip up but I hope that ya'll will help me get back up. This is my first time to try something like this, so I'll take any advice and help. Thanks in advance.
  • Kfinle06
    Kfinle06 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, today is my first day here as well. Just some words of encouragement from experince, it's not losing the weight that is difficult, IT IS PRIMARILY STAYING MOTIVATED... That's where I tend to fall short; however, i'm giving it another try and I want to wish you the BEST OF LUCK:wink:
  • Hi, i've never tried dieting or counting calories and i'm afraid of what i'l find out! but i'm excited to start losing weight. Advice and encouragemment is welcome! the only thing that i know works best for me is to write down what i am going to eat before i step into the kitchen so i can stay focused and don't over eat.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Welcome to you all. I have been a member for a few months now and am having success. The key I believe is to record everything and you will learn from that. I was always so against counting calories, weighing food etc. But it actually works. I still have a long way (30kgs) to go but am feeling stronger in mind and body. I have also enjoyed learning and getting motivation from the posts on here. Joining in with challenges is helpful to. Add me as a friend if you like, so that we can offer support and encouragement to each other.
  • Hello :) I too am new to the site and very anxious to see what I can learn about myself along the way too. In the past I was a firm believer in Atkins so that's what I am trying to start with. After my first day i found out my calorie intake is way under and I went over in protein......luckily only by a point, but any ideas what I can eat to help balance it?
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    welcome!!! i haven't been here long, but i love it. i think the key is to not think of this as dieting, unless you do the rabbit food route. it's really about learning how to eat healthy so that you will be set for life, especially with all the great advice in the forums, not to mention all the wonderful food recipes!!! just have fun with your food, the calories listings sure help to make food decisions, just remember it's not all about boiled chicken and
    and of course the other bonus...everyone here on this site is in the same weightloss boat, so you have loads of people surrounding you that wish all the best for you, and are here for whatever motivation you mayr need :)
  • :bigsmile: Greetings Newbie and Welcome :) I'm also a tad new here but am happy to 'meet' you! Let's connect and get started supporting each other!

  • marshallmat
    marshallmat Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone I am fairly new but love it so far. Looking for new friends to share this journey with so send me a friend request if your interested.
  • Welcome everyone! I have been here for a month so far and everyone is so nice, and always willing to offer support and advice.

    Fell free to add me xx
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Hi new people !!!

    The site is great !! loads of great information, but the best thing on here is all the people ! everyone is happy to be "friend" requested. they will help and support, and I think you get out of it what you put in to it !!

    Anyway, I have been on here for about a month now and always happy to be a friend with anyone as long as you can put up with me moaning about the bad weather here in England !!!!!

    Friend me if you like.

    And good luck with your program
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome aboard.....I've been here 28 days and love it. I find inspiration, hope, and accountability here. You will find lots of friendly people and some great advice givers. Good luck in your endeavors. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Have a great weekend!
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    the commitment is hard, but the outcome is priceless., push it and use your limits
  • How about some rice and vegetables, like corn and grean beans. Still healthy but not as high in protein, and don't forget the fruit!
  • I am new to this site also. I have been trying to loose weight for years. So nice to see I am not alone. I think it helps to know someone is going through the exact same thing as you. We are all in this together, and I know we can do it! I am still learning my way around this site, (takes me a little longer than most) but I can't wait to begin our journey together. I am inspired that so many new people are here also, reminds me of why I joined. My good friend Paula is on here to and she has been such and inspiration to me. I have been down with a cold but I think I am using it as an excuse and need to get in gear and push through it! WELCOME EVERYONE!
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    aww Leigh you are so lovely and I have never in my life met anyone as open and giving in love and support as you are, you are a wonderful friend and I am so happy to see you here! you are one of the most genuinely giving people I have ever met xxx
  • Hi everyone, another newbie. PHoto. Argh I never thought of adding a photo. I found this app on my phone, went to the website and fell in love. I'm so excited! OK, it's only day 3 but I realized I was eating 1835 calories more than I should for my current life style. Now down to 125 calories over. It helps. I'm so excited that I've found something that I can do!

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