No support at home



  • Ive just had a word with him and it seems hes just a typical man! He thinks hes supporting me.. when i asked how his reply was- by touching me!!

    I guess will just keep bragging about how much ive lost and how much better im feeling!
  • I agree I get no support from my family they tell I am going over with my diet I get better support from a friend
  • We support you !! and I know how you feel completely ! If it wasn't for MFP I dont know where I would be!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I don't know what taking the Mick is, but it sounds like a jerk thing to do. Especially since he does it while you're exercising.

    In his defense tho, most people don't notice you're losing weight until your 20 pounds down. If it was me, I would at least pretend to notice a difference or give you a "looking good!" every now & then. But all people are different.

    And you really can't expect him to eat healthy just because you want to eat healthy. It's unfair for you to force YOUR diet on him. Admittedly, it would be nice if he did decide to eat healthier. But I'm not gonna give up meat just because my fiancé decides she wants to be a vegan and I don't expect her to give up wine or cocktails because I decided to stop drinking.

    Either way, you need to talk to him and tell him how serious you are about losing weight and wanting to succeed (express this isnt a fad diet, you're trying to make this a lifestyle) and it would be nice if he gave you some support. And when you do, give him like 5 or 6 examples of supportive things he can do. We men are slow sometimes, so you have to spell out exactly what it is you want. Don't expect us to fill in the blanks. Once he gets the ball rolling with these 5 or 6 things, he'll start thinking up his own ways to be supportive.

    Very well put!! I agree 100% and we are all here for support!!
  • Hova1914
    Hova1914 Posts: 82 Member
    Ive just had a word with him and it seems hes just a typical man! He thinks hes supporting me.. when i asked how his reply was- by touching me!!

    I guess will just keep bragging about how much ive lost and how much better im feeling!

    I wish somebody would support ME by touching me. #ImJustSayin lol
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