Any other Vegan/Vegetarians out there?



  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 20 years now...and I love it!
    I personally don't have alot of time in the morning for breakfast so I set things up at night or the weekend.
    An idea I do- I cook a good amount of quinoa.
    Then in the morning, take what you need (like 1/2 cup cooked) then I might add a few walnuts, a couple raisins, couple dashes of cinnamon or even 1/2 of a chopped apple. You can add a bit of almond or soy milk and nuke it warm. IT is so good..and the raisins are your sugar (don't put in too many either). Quinoa is an amazing food- complete protein etc. I also do this with oatmeal and add apple and cinnamon (the apple is the sweetness).
    Other times I drink a morning shake which is almond milk, frozen sliced strawberries or blueberries, 1/2 banana only (don' t have alot of sugar in the morning)..sometimes I add protein powder and sometimes I add flax seed oil..whir it up..and easy to go!
    Good luck!
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for about 2 years, and have recently went mostly vegan. My husband and I are trying to do full vegan but its a little bit of a transition for us...
    For breakfast we have been having green smoothies. We mix leafy greens (about 2-3cups) with water (2-3cups) and berries/fruit(1 apple, 1c berries, 1/2-1c pears, etc. My husband is allergic to banana but I use them in mine sometimes) and we add in flax seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, sometimes silken tofu and usually some almond milk.
    Some other things I made are oatmeal, pita w/ natural nut butters, whole wheat english muffins, multi grain cheerios. We blend our smoothie the night before and in the morning just give it a quick blend before pouring it into cups. We have hard plastic reusable cups (like what a starbucks cold coffee comes in, only harder plastic) so we can just pour the smoothie into cups and take them with us.
    I am always looking for more people who are vegetarian/vegan so I might add some people from this thread, and anyone please feel free to add me!
  • wish2bsmall
    wish2bsmall Posts: 16 Member
    I'm newly vegan like some of you in this thread, and it's been taking a lot of dedication to stick with it. I was a happy vegetarian for a little while at 16 (about 2 years or so), but stopped when I turned anemic. now at 20, I'm taking the leap from omnivore to vegan and hoping for the best. I've always liked tofu and quinoa, which I've taken as a sign that I was meant to be a veghead. =] Next stop, seitan :happy: I'm pretty new to the forum and looking for friends, so you may add me if you like!
  • efahey
    efahey Posts: 33 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for over three years now. Kudos to you for going vegan! I've always thought vegans have so much willpower. I would have such a hard time giving up dairy products like cheese and ice cream...For breakfast I usually just have a granola bar. I guess it's not a great breakfast, but it's the only thing I can eat in my dorm while I'm getting ready for class. For lunch you could try a whole grain wrap with a ton of veggies! Those are my favorite :]

    sounds like me... i am just too attached to my dairy products to give them up! i usually have yogurt with benefibre and granola in the mornings... keeps me full til lunch no problem!
  • green83eyes
    green83eyes Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I'm a veggie too! My favorite quick breakfast is a fruit/yogurt/protein powder smoothie. It takes about 5 minutes to make and leaves me satisfied through my morning workout and well into the first couple of hours at work. I find adding a vanilla protein powder to the fruit and yogurt smoothie keeps me full longer. I also love oat bran in the morning sweetend with Agave Nectar. However, that takes a little longer than the smoothie. The smoothie has become a staple for me and is only around 200 calories.
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Hey there! I've been vegan for a little over a year, now (started Jan. 3, 2010) and absolutely love it. My favorite breakfast is oatmeal made with steel cut oats, from the FatFree Vegan blog. I like to cook up a batch the night before, so all I have to do is reheat it in the morning. As far as pizzas go, my in-laws like to order Papa Murphy's, so I always have them get a veggie-covered pizza with no cheese for me (the dough is vegan), and I doctor it up with Daiya mozzarella and sometimes I crumble up some Field Roast smoked apple sage "sausage" on top. SO GOOD!

    I just picked up a copy of Isa Chandra Moskowitz's "Appetite for Reduction," but haven't had a chance to try out any of the recipes, yet. I'm in love with her "Veganomicon" and "Vegan with a Vengeance" cookbooks.

    I'm a big fan of almond milk, since 8oz has 60 calories, whereas most other non-dairy milks seem to have around 120. And as far as giving up ice cream -- psh, I'd never give that up! Let's see, my favorites include TEMPT Chocolate Fudge, Coconut Bliss Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge, Purely Decadent Praline Pecan, and of course there are a ton of delicious sorbets. I like to make my own sorbet, too -- just toss some frozen strawberries, a bit of non-dairy milk (just a bit) and maybe a touch of agave or maple syrup into a food processor, and you have an almost-instant, delicious dessert.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Whether losing weight or going/staying vegan, support is key, and it's great to make new friends.
  • alibaba0310
    hey guys! iv been a vegetarian for about three years now, and since i'm still in school, i need some good packable lunch ideas. I had PB+J for soo many years now i'm so sick of it. i usually eat in class because my schedule is packed. any ideas?
  • bespatter
    bespatter Posts: 73 Member
    I've been vegan for three years, and before that I was a vegetarian for a solid four years. I've never really ate meat.

    For me, I didn't miss cheese or ice cream, because I found that once I didn't eat them, I didn't miss them! Also, vegan ice cream is pretty badass. It's just like the regular thing! I've never ate vegan cheese, cause I just really haven't missed it! I think that once you come of the dairy and stuff after about two weeks it'll be an old hat. :)

    I'm pretty busy as well, so I take a lot of snacks with me. Clif Bars are great, full of protein and nutrients. The also keep me full for awhile. I also take a lot of fruit with me, such as apples, bananas, and apricots. They can travel pretty well. I occasionally bring nuts to snack on, but they don't keep me as full.

    Anywho, I'm a big believer in breakfast. Mine usually ranges from 200 to 400 calories. A great (moderate?) calorie breakfast is some Arrowhead Mills Bear Mush (basically Cream of Wheat), unsweetened silk almond milk (45% of your daily calcium), a half tablespoon of peanut butter for some flavor and a few drops of vanilla stevia. This totals about 220 calories and it's warm and filling and from microwave to belly in just a couple of minutes. Another idea is a serving of Gimmie Lean sausage, with a couple slices sprouted Ezekiel-style bread (it's a complete protein. I love Alvarado St. Bakery's California Style bread) and some Smart Balance Light butter. Add a little leftover chopped mushrooms, onions, and peppers in there and you're good to go for about 300 super-filling calories. Lol. I love breakfast.

    I also have a vegan cooking blog if you'd like to check it out. Most of the recipes are quick and easy because I'm a busy girl! It's at:, and I can give you a calorie count of any recipe there (even if I don't always post it). GOOD LUCK on your vegan transition!!
  • lilfoo
    I'm a vegetarian (started in 2007). A good breakfast that I recently discovered is waffles! Vans makes some great waffles, just toss them in the toaster, top with fruit (1/2 a banana) add some light whipped topping (there are vegan ones out there too!) and drizzle on some agave. Perfect delicious! The waffles are under 200 cals for two- which is great. Plus they are high fiber (6g).
    Who can say no to waffles?
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    I am a vegetarian who aspires to be vegan most of the time. Blueberries are relatively low in calories. I try to throw in those for breakfast. I try to stay away from processed soy foods in general. I have unsweetened coconut milk with my morning coffee/ tea. Have you tried stevia for a sweetener? But I do often end up eating an early lunch. For a lot of the time during the rest of the day try to get in those recommended 5-7 (or is it 7-9?) anyway, I try to eat a lot of vegetables. They help fill me up.
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    Hi. I'm vegetarian too. Love the Eleanor quote! The light soy milk is a great idea. I try to cut down on soy so I use unsweetened coconut milk (so-delicious brand)...
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    I also highly suggest the So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk. I have also tried the regular vanilla flavored. It is 90 calories per cup but I use a half cup and then need less agave in my coffee/ tea...
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm vegetarian. I eat eggs and some cheeses, Not a milk fan, prefer rice milk. The problem is I don't eat soy so I struggle with getting enough protein.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    @hellokittyhorror - also a vegetarian. i try to eat vegan more often than not.. but they need to invent vegan string cheese. just saying. i use stevia as a sweetener for my tea. i was at 2-3 packets a day, but now i have cut it down to mostly 1 (i use half a pack for 1 cup of tea).

    @bespatter - i'll be sure to check out your blog!

    i just finished my last bit of cereal yesterday. i have been scared of oatmeal ever since i had an oatmeal "overdose" last year. when i get sick of a food, i stay away from it for LONG periods of time. years. i did buy this oatmeal/barley/rye mix from trader joe's.. besides frozen blueberries, what else should i put in it to make it taste better? stevia? i don't want to put peanut butter all the time either, maybe once or twice a week.
  • lilfoo
    I have tried stevia, but I find that it has a weird after taste? Does anyone else feel this way? Are there any combinations to help mask the taste?
    Sometimes I drink Stevia sweetened sodas, but in those you don't get that taste.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Hi, I'm a vegan. :glasses:
  • janakcarlson
    So great to hear from so many other like-minded people! I was raised a pescetarian and eat a combination of vegetarian and vegan meals now.

    My fave winter breakfast is plain rolled oats, cooked in water with a banana thrown in. The banana caramelises and it tastes SO good. Pretty much the rest of the year I eat eggs for breakfast because they just fill me up for so long (at least until 1:30pm).

    My staples for the other meals are pretty much stir fried veges with tofu and nuts.

    Down here in Aussie-Land we don't have ANY vegan-dairy substitues. Once I found a soy cheese and I literally had to throw it out because it was the foulest thing I had ever put in my mouth and would rather not eat it at all. Wish we had some ice-cream though, yummy!
  • Redlebee
    Yes, excellent book! (Appetite for Reduction)
    I am neither vegan nor vegetarian, but have been looking for ways to incorporate more vegetables and healthy grains into my diet and cut down dramatically on my meat and dairy. This book is SOOOO great! I have tried a lot of recipes from it and no duds yet. The balsamic vinegrette dressing is especially insane! I just made seitan tonight, never had it before, and loved it!
  • wellyourenotSKINNY
    Hey, I'm a vegetarian :)
  • syl312
    syl312 Posts: 31 Member
    Vegetarian here!! for 2 years now.. feel free to add me.. and please keep ur diary open so we can see each others. Im always looking at peoples diaries to find new and exciting meals to eat!! :)
    Good luck on ur vegan goal!! I've tried it but I prefer vegetarian!! :flowerforyou: