A bit a a rant. I need to vent

Some and my fiancee just graduated college and we decided to move to where he grew up which is about 2 hours away from my family. I am totally fine with this. We have been here for about 2 months now. I have been looking for a job without luck, which really sucks. This also means that I don't do a lot during the day except look for jobs, cook and clean. Thinking about not having a job makes me depressed, and I like to eat when I am depressed. I went to school for teaching and there is basically nothing here for me, and the school year is almost over. The pressures of life are getting to me and I just can't seem to handle it. My fiancee had a few interviews for jobs but still nothing left. Loans are going to kick in soon and then I will really be panicking.
We are also getting married in august of this year. I am so excited about it but I thought we would both have found jobs by now, but no such luck.

On top of that I have been working out for about a month now. I lost about 5 pounds and now it seems i can't loose any. I am sure that is due to me snacking but the stress makes me. I need to find a new thing to do when I am stressed out. I also have no one to turn to except for my fiancee for help and advice. I have not made any friends out here yet and that also makes me depressed because I have never been good at making friends.

I guess the summary of this story is, growing up sucks haha.


  • Caprirenee925
    I'll definitely tell you; I haven't been on MFP for too long, but the more friends you have; the more we can keep you motivated and away from those snacks. I'm in a similar boat; I took the semester off simply because i need to find a job, my parents have ALWAYS paid for everything and they figured without push to keep me in school with me helping pay for my tuition, even after i graduated, I wouldn't work as hard to appreciate the things i have. Know that even in the hard times, life will become easier and better and hopefully with prayer, fate, destiny, and luck; you'll find a job! Don't worry about the snacking, be sure to keep up with it on your tracker, and moderate yourself. ANYTIME you feel you're going down, reach out here... I'll personally try to talk you out of it. Hope everything works out in the end, and congratulations on your engagement! Best of luck and wishes towards you. OH and don't be ashamed sad or worried if those 5 pounds are all you'll assume you'll lose. My heaviest weight was 227, and for 2 weeks straight I dieted and worked out and nothing happened, so I went back to my normal bad eating habits and quit going to the gym, week 3; I lost 12 pounds, the weight i was working off... all came off at once, but it takes awhile, patience is your virtue!
  • HealthyDee913
    HealthyDee913 Posts: 10 Member
    Do you like to read?
  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    I am not sure where you are located but I am a teacher and in my area the best way to get a position is to get on a School Division's substitute teacher list and / or volunteer at schools in the division that interests you that way you can show off your abilities to those that count!!! Plus it gets you out of the house, meeting new people and snacking less:). Congrats on the engagement!!! You can also pass a LOT of time looking for different colour schemes, flower arrangements, centre pieces and favors! Plus you could possible make some yourself to keep you busy & feeling productive PLUS save you money! I hope that all works out for you!
  • tviolante
    tviolante Posts: 3 Member
    Good to vent and good to find new friends. Life can be frustrating, usually more so when your starting out like it sounds like you are. May I ask how old you are?

    The diet plan is really just watching your intake and eating the right foods that are healthy but equally important filling. I've substituted wheat bread and eat turkey burgers, chicken and oatmeal. I also found 90 calorie chewy bars that are a good snack,
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    I hear ya Girl!!! I've had a very tough year + ..... unemployment (for me & my mister), pending foreclosure, bankruptcy, crappy weather! You name it..... No FUN! = Snack Time.... Yesssirrreeeee! :sad: :bigsmile: :grumble: :laugh:

    What can I tell you??? Probably everybody I know is having a hard time in personal & financial issues.

    I'd say it's a good time for you & your guy to be extra kind to each other, get excited about your upcoming wedding and do the best you can to stay bizzzy doing things you enjoy in addition to the stuff that must be done, like job hunting.

    If you don't have any hobbies, find an activity you really enjoy and dive in! Take a class for fun, volunteer in your community, get active with exercise outside or in the gym.

    Best of luck and Keep on Smiling Baby..... I know, easier said than done most times! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Growing up can suck, but, hey, at least you get to do it << silver lining right there.

    Sometimes friends can be the biggest downfall to a weight loss plan. I often think not having a lot of friends during this process could be a blessing in disguise. MFP friends are probably a much better support system, because, guaranteed, we're all going through the same struggle, and we're all here because we want the same things (most of us anyway :)

    Life, in general, seems to have gotten a lot harder for a lot of people in recent years. I hate that it's happening ... I hate to see people struggling so hard. Honestly though, we all have our proverbial crosses to bear. All you can do is to do what you can. Try not to focus on the crap. There's always something positive ... I mean, we're alive, right? That's a good start right there. We're alive, we get to live on this beautiful planet, and we get chance after chance to eat right and live well.

    The money stuff will work itself out. Try to reduce and cut back where you can to make things easier on yourself in the long run.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I've been unemployed since the beginning of December, so I feel you on the being bored/stress, lots of time on hands = boredom thing. I find it good to think ahead to what I'm going to eat and stick with it. No mindless snacking. I eat a lot while watching tv, but I still pay attention to my body and when it is full or not.

    Is there any way you can join a gym? I know it might not be reasonable since you don't have a job yet, but it would help you get out of the house and a chance to meet new people if you were to join some fitness classes. If joining a gym is out of the question you can get some good workout dvds for cheap. Jillian Michaels has a lot of good ones around $10 -- 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones. I was actually able to download all three of these for free on the internet.

    Would your fiancee consider moving if need be to find jobs? I know he wants to be by his family, but if jobs are available where you currently live it might be time to move to find a place that does.

    Good luck with your situation! I know just getting it out and venting can help a lot. I hope you are feeling better.
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    is there any voluntary work you could do near to where you live? It would keep you occupied and look really good on your CV.
  • kymlynn13
    kymlynn13 Posts: 28 Member
    We moved here to be near his grandma because his mom passed away last year suddenly. That also doesn't help the stress at all. So I wouldn't wanna move away just yet, his grandma was very depressed and has no one since she had to put her husband in a nursing home.

    I did join a gym but making friends there seems to be hard for me. When I workout I don't like people talking to me, sounds weird but it makes me embarrassed but I guess they are they for the same reason.

    thanks for the advice and motivation. I need it more than ever now