I need advice on exercising!



  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Hey my friend..
    I agree with kao...only you know what you can do. Stinkin Knees...I have gotten a pair of knee braces/thick elastic things to where when I'm doing ANY exercise. They are called belFIT ion wraps. They are tight, and I hate 'em, but they really have helped me to keep going. The Jillian dvd is modified to you...when I've had enough of the jumping jacks I quit bouncin and just do the arms and kick the legs one at a time out...can you get a visual of that???LOL Anyway, you have done great...don't get discouraged and PLEASE stay with us..
    Enjoy your weekend but don't let it steal from you!
    Your buddy,
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Thank you all for your input and advice! I didn't realize I made my knees sound so bad! :embarassed: Because of your advice, however, I did cancel the Shred video from Netflix. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do yet. The idea about hiring a personal trainer really sparks my interest, and Curves is opening up a new facility in a month or two that will provide personal trainers, so perhaps I will stick with walking when I can get outside (my dogs prefer this "workout" anyway!), and when I can't, I will stick with some type of exercise video until their new facility is open. My preference is to be outside, and when I reach my first goal (250 lbs) I plan on buying myself a really nice bicycle. Also, I HAVE a knee brace- duh!- it's just been so long since I exercised that I had forgotten all about it! I am also going to see a doctor and/or nutritionist. I want this weight gone! :wink:
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I, too, have a bad knee. I, too, carried too much weight for far too long. In general, I have just come to the understanding that I am going to have knee pain. I do modify exercises and limit the amount of jumping I do. I use my mini trampoline for a lot of the higher impact stuff. I take a supplement called Celedrin and I drink a liquid glucosamine/chondroitin supplement called Elations. I recently read on here that a woman's physical therapist had advised a heating pad on her knee before exercise so I am giving that a try. Some days are better than other days.

    If you are just getting back into exercise you can't do better than walking. You'll walk to your capacity and when you get stronger, fitter you'll walk more. You can walk two or more times a day. I like walking outside no matter if there's snow. I wear my boots and go for it.

    The thing to realize (hard for me, but I finally have) you didn't get to this size overnight and you aren't going to lose the weight overnight either. Wishing you every success!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I successfully lost weight 10 years ago at curves. I quit because 1 - I didn't like the owner - 2 - once I got in shape is wasn't enough of a work out for me and 3 the median wage was 60 - I was 30. It's a great way to get resistance training in as well as some cardio. Which would probably help you with that need issue by strengthening those knees.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I just began doing this (again) a little over three weeks ago, and I'm currently at 285ish. I have a bad left knee from popping the kneecap out of place when I was 19 and slipped on some snow. My right knee isn't so great either, from having to carry this weight and make up for the left knee a lot of times. It doesn't hurt, but I've noticed it creaks really bad when working out. It sounds like cartilage crackling.

    I'd planned on walking three or four times a week to start out with, but when we got snowed in, I had to pull out a hundred year old exercise video and use it. It is an hour long, and I can only do about half, and doing it is what causes the freaky noises that come from my right knee.

    So, I netflixed Jillian Michael's Shred since I've heard so much about it. I was going to buy it from Amazon, but decided I better find out if I can use it yet or not. The other decision I have to make is whether to join the local Curves or not. I've been a member before, and absolutely loved it, but the owners have changed and I'm unsure if it will be worth the money this time around. Should I just use walking and exercise videos? Or should I use those AND Curves?

    I need advice about how to integrate exercise into my routine, how much, when, what kind. Thanks in advance!

    I dislocated my knee when I was a teen. I avoided any strenuous leg exercises out of fear I would worsen it. Then I found a good doc.

    I did lunges, and squats like crazy to build my legs back up. I had weird sounds to. My knees were so week that any heavy lifting would cause the tendons to POP in and out of place. I kept with it, though. It took a long time, but my knees are rock solid now.

    Squats may do too intense in your case. If you could incorporate mild lunges into your routine, it would greatly help your joint stregnth. Firms up your butt too.

    If you can do assisted lunges, or for the first few weeks don't do the full range of motion, it would be safer. Definitely rest your knees for a few days after working them.

    If there were a top five exercise, I would rate lunges at number three.

    Walking lunges may actually be better for people who are lifting more body weight.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Low impact is important for joint issues. I think the experts at Curves may be able to help you strengthen your knees as well as help you find some low impact cardio.
  • 4Matt
    4Matt Posts: 26
    Glad you're going to go see a doctor & nutritionist. They should be able to help you out a lot!