only lost 1lb in 5 weeks! sos



  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Do you take vitamins? I read an article where Dr. Oz recommends 1,000 IU of D3, 600 mg of DHA (not DHEA) and or fish oil, 600 mg Calcium (2x a day), and a women's multi (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night). He said that for some women these vitamins can help drop 6-7 lbs for those who are dificient. It may be worth a try to add these to your diet. I initially lost 6 lbs adding these, now I'm at a stand still, again. Good luck!

    I take vitamin E and cold liver oil tablets!

    get a nice Women's multi too.

    I weigh every Thursday morning, right after I wake up, right after I pee....and naked. I don't look any other time --- However all throughout the day you go up and down depending on meals, water etc. so pick a time and be consistent ALSO make sure you've taken measurements, when my scale doesn't move those do for sure. I just added in measuring my body fat percentage - again same time each week under same conditions.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258

    Looked at your diary. Processed foods are a killer. I know when you are busy it is easier to eat something already prepared. Instead of eggos, try a whole grain cereal instead. Your sugar count is over, that doesn't mean stop eating fresh fruit.

    Also, water, water, water. It truly is your best friend. Weigh everything. Get a scale. It doesn't have to be fancy to start, just something that makes you aware of the amount you are eating at one sitting.

    I will continue to look further, but this is just the start.

    You can do this, it is just figuring out what is right for you.
  • thanks! yea i just put the sodium and sugar thing on! ill stop eating those eggos lol
    i find that alot of breakfast foods aren't very good
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Love your dog! :happy:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You're not eating nearly enough! If you were 5'5" tall

    2079 Calories/day
    Fat Loss:
    1663 Calories/day

    5' 0"

    1970 Calories/day
    Fat Loss:
    1576 Calories/day
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    You're not eating nearly enough!

    How many days did you look at?
  • im 5'7 and only yesterday i didnt ive been over my calories all week pretty much
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    im 5'7 and only yesterday i didnt ive been over my calories all week pretty much

    If you're 5'7" and weigh 162, your loss goal should be no more than 1 lb per week. Setting unrealistic loss goals will backfire.

    Your BMR is 1542. Even with a sedentary acitivity level, that should add at least 300 cals. That would mean your maintenance cals would be about 1850 (minimum). A 1 lb loss goal per week, which may still be too high, would give you a daily cal goal of at least 1350, without exercise.

    Again, I'd recommend reading this thread:
  • I haven't read everyones posts yet, but my suggestion is lower your carbs and increase your protein... This week your daily goal of carbs has been 240... I think that is pretty high.... I would suggest dropping your carbs down to around 100 or so.... Increase your protein from 50's to around 100-150.... drink tons of water and lay off so much of the processed foods.
  • I changed my setting to lose 1 lb a week.
    and now i have a higher amount of calories a day...
    Eating more calories will make me lose weight?
  • I changed it to lose 1lb a week and my calorie numbers went up.
  • I have the same problem of not losing weight after all these weeks, and sometimes my calorie intake is too low. However, I am scared to eat more calories than I do now, because I feel like I'm going to gain weight :( or is it the foods that I'm eating that's not helping me lose weight ?
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I changed my setting to lose 1 lb a week.
    and now i have a higher amount of calories a day...
    Eating more calories will make me lose weight?

    Yep. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but it is true. If you read the threads I posted earlier (in my first response), it will help explain why eating too little will actually slow the metabolism down.

    Your body needs to KNOW that it is ok to burn fat stores - the only way it will know this is if you are fueling it sufficiently. Eating less will eventually make you lose weight, yes, but it will be a bad ratio of fat AND muscle and it will not be healthy or sustainable weight loss. You want to minimize muscle loss and maximize fat loss - and that requires good fuel. :wink:

    Edit: MFP is set up to give you a calorie deficit - that means that if you meet your cal goals, you are at a deficit that allows for healthy weight loss.
  • Also... implement more snacks throughout your day.... Eat Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, etc.... that way your metabolism keeps going throughout the day....
  • okay i added snacks! what kind of snacks do you recommend ?
  • Here is a sample of what I had yesterday:

    Breakfast: 2 Eggs w/ turkey sausage scrambled in.
    Snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese w/ 1/2 cup peaches (no syrup, if you use canned peaches, wash them off before eating them)
    Lunch: salad w/ 2 cups spinach, 1/4 cup feta cheese, 3 ounces turkey, 1/2 cup corn, 1/2 cup black beans
    Snack: 2 ounces of beef jerky (usually 1 ounce, but I knew I was going to be low on calories so I bumpbed it to two).
    Dinner: 1 chicken sausage link, 2 cups broccoli
    Snack: Light string cheese.

    This was actually a very low calorie meal for me, so you could bump up the last snack I had in calories and higher protein, maybe do some more beef jerky, or I could have added in some dressing to my salad etc.
    Oh and I drink Tons of water!

    For every lb you weigh, drink at least half of that in ounces... for example... if you weigh 160 you need to drink 80 ounces of water a day... if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 ounces etc.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    From a quick look at a week or two of your diary:

    You under eat many days.
    You don't log dinner. Why not? Are skipping that meal or what?
    Not enough fresh fruits and veggies.
    Too much processed food.

    I can see that you're making an honest effort, and I don't think you're doing all that badly. Just not good enough to meet your goals. Try to eat fresh, unprocessed food as much as possible. Watch sodium and sugars (that don't come from your fruits). Go easy on stuff like pancake syrup, cream cheese, ice cream, etc. - you don't really need that in your diet and it's just empty calories.

    Just tweak your nutrition a bit and you should start to see losses. Good luck!
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    The same thing has been happening to me the last 4 weeks. I have noticed though, my pants are fitting so much better!! This week I am going to try to eat more calories and see what happens. I am not going to give up because I am making this a lifestyle change for the long term. Besides not seeing the scale move, I do feel so much better. I am going to try to only weigh myself 2x a week. Just remember everyone is different and what works for someone else might not work for you. Experiment a little and see what works. Good luck!
  • thanks!
  • From a quick look at a week or two of your diary:

    You under eat many days.
    You don't log dinner. Why not? Are skipping that meal or what?
    Not enough fresh fruits and veggies.
    Too much processed food.

    I can see that you're making an honest effort, and I don't think you're doing all that badly. Just not good enough to meet your goals. Try to eat fresh, unprocessed food as much as possible. Watch sodium and sugars (that don't come from your fruits). Go easy on stuff like pancake syrup, cream cheese, ice cream, etc. - you don't really need that in your diet and it's just empty calories.

    Just tweak your nutrition a bit and you should start to see losses. Good luck!

    Oh i do eat dinner! I just today changed my diary and put snacks in between so thats why it looks like i dont eat dinner.
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