So confused about eating back your burn off calories

kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I am supposed to eat NET 1250 calories a day. I burn about 300 a day. Been at this for 4 or 5 weeks and have lost 3 pounds. I have about 13 to 15 to go..... I feel like half of the people on here say to not eat back your burned calories and the other half say they do.....Right now I AM eating a total 1550 calories a day to net 1250, if not my net would only be 950 and I just don't think that is smart? I know opinions are like....ya know, but I am so confused!


  • I would consider eating back at least a portion of your calories. You want to maintain your health and vitality while losing weight and you need some extra calories to do the things you do. Your calories already seems like it is near the low end of a healthy daily intake.
  • hippo_hips
    hippo_hips Posts: 45 Member
    I DO NOT eat my exercise calories. I work hard to burn them, why would I eat them again?
  • Eyvette1
    Eyvette1 Posts: 76 Member
    I NEVER eat back my exercise calories unless it is a treat night.
  • My understanding is that you don't have to eat back your calories, but that you do want to be careful to not net too few calories. I think I saw someone say somewhere that if you net less than 1200, that is when it is problematic and your body starts going into starvation mode. I'm sure that changes based on the individual, but I would say eat back some of them at least, but maybe not all of them.
  • I normally will eat what my net goal is and stick to it.
  • I thought the idea was to burn more than you are taking in for the weight to come off so I guess I'm just as confused as you are.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    You need to refuel if you're exercising,so if you're hungry , then eat at least half of those extra calories, listen to your body, plus you are losing, and at a steady rate anyway. If you lose too quickly then it won't be mainly fat but muscle loss too. Are you including strength/ weight training?
  • I have had some early success by "splitting the difference" with the calories I burn. I have been working out pretty hard and have days where I burn from 650 to 1050 calories. I will typically a bit less than half of those burned calories each day. On the really intense workout days, I end up eating 700-800 calories below my net (1670/day). Other days I'm 300-400 under. On my day off from the workouts, I try to eat close to my limit (which end up being the toughest days). Bottom out regularly and reward yourself for "some" of that work!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    This is why you need to not just "follow the masses" and learn and understand how the body works. There are some great threads that explain, in pretty simple terms, how metabolism works and why eating too little will slow it down. Really MUST READS, so that you understand how to come to your own conclusions. Good luck to you!
    (read the whole thread)
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Yeah, I guess that is where my problem lies....I only have 15 or so pounds to lose, so if I am to eat only 1200, then burn 300, I am putting my body into starvation mode. Then I started another thread and everyone was saying 1200 was too little to net (anything under 1200 is starvation mode) and up it to 1300. Think I will try that for awhile....see if the pounds come off quicker. Just started the Shred on top of C25K (week 6 baby!) so maybe it will come off a little quicker now that I am building muscle. Ha....was never good at science or math and really alot of this weight loss stuff is just that!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I thought the idea was to burn more than you are taking in for the weight to come off so I guess I'm just as confused as you are.

    Yes, that is the idea. That is why MFP has a built in calorie deficit, to allow for your chosen loss goal, regardless of exercise. When you add in exercise, it adds in cals to keep that deficit the same, to allow for a healthy rate of weight loss.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, not really following the MFP "rules" too closely. The days that I exercise I'll be more hungry than the days that I don't. The food diary is a great guideline, though. I use it daily. But, on days where I do my spin class in the morning and my 30 Day Shred DVD at night, MFP would have me eating an insane amount of food. Pretty much double what they suggest I eat on a no exercise day. I'm not going to eat just ot meet that quota. I eat a lot on those days anyway, I'm not looking to starve myself, but I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry.
  • rcschmidt6
    rcschmidt6 Posts: 3 Member
    What you have to understand is your goal of 1250 is already substantially less then you burn daily. When you set up your goals and entered your activity level then your weight loss goals the site determined that to meet your goal that 1250 a day was your target. For example my goal is to lose 2# a week based on light activity. so my goal is 1350. My Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is probably around 2000 calories a day. So 1350 is 650 under my BMR. 650 x 7 = 4550 or approx 1.5 pounds a week. So if I exercise and eat the calories I burn I will still be at a 650 a day deficit.
  • Since your daily goal is determined by your weight loss goal (1 or 2 lbs a month, or custom) you are able to eat back the calories you burn and still lose the weight you were aiming for. If you don't eat them back (or eat a portion) you are accelerating your weight loss significantly.

    I find the calories burned in some exercises (according to the application) are possibly a bit high. I prefer to be cautious about eating back ALL the calories, because it's nearly impossible to get an exact count in anything you eat or burn.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If you are 100% sure of the calories you're burning, yes, eat them all back.

    If you're not, like anyone who is not wearing a body bugg and even then it isn't 100%, eat back a portion, like say 50% of the estimated calorie burn.

    If you burn 200 on the elliptical trainer, eat 100 back, and eat protein if you can. The macro ratios on MFP are not that great IMO. If you're working out a lot you should be eating approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Yeah, I guess that is where my problem lies....I only have 15 or so pounds to lose, so if I am to eat only 1200, then burn 300, I am putting my body into starvation mode. Then I started another thread and everyone was saying 1200 was too little to net (anything under 1200 is starvation mode) and up it to 1300. Think I will try that for awhile....see if the pounds come off quicker. Just started the Shred on top of C25K (week 6 baby!) so maybe it will come off a little quicker now that I am building muscle. Ha....was never good at science or math and really alot of this weight loss stuff is just that!

    I HATE math! :laugh: But really, it's actually pretty simple when you break it down.

    I'll use me as an example.
    My BMR = 1569 (go to tools, to figure out your own BMR) This is the amount of energy I burn everyday, if I just lay in bed.
    My activity level = sedentary

    These two facts give everything we need to figure it out. As I don't have a lot to lose, my body will do well with a moderate loss goal of 1 lb per week. So...

    1569 + 391 (activity level) = 1960
    This would be my maintenance calories, without purposeful exercise.

    MFP then subtracts 500, for my loss goal (3500 cals to lose 1 lb per week, or 500 cals per day)

    1960 - 500 = 1460
    This is my daily cal goal, which now includes a deficit that allows 1 lb loss per week

    If I exercise on top of this, I am burning calories. Which means my body needs more fuel. Basically, think of it as changing my activity level. I am using more energy. So now, to maintain an even deficit for 1 lb per week loss, and avoid losing too much muscle, in addition to fat, I need to add calories.

    1460 + 300 cals for exercise = 1760
    This gives my body enough fuel to maintain my activity level, but still leaves me at a defict to lose weight at a healthy rate.

    Anyway, hope this helps. :wink:
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I haven't been eating them back but I also haven't been lossing weight. I decided to eat them back this week and see what happens. Everyone is different and there's no one right answer. I am just going to experiment a little to see what works. Good luck on your Journey!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Let's see if I can explain this well.

    When I go to another web site, I type in that I will work out 1 hr a day 5 days a week, and they give me 1500 calories a day to eat.

    Now if I DO the 5 workouts and eat 1500 calories, I will lose my 1-2 pounds a week. If I DON'T exercise I will lose a lot less or for me nothing as I have the slowest metabolism of anyone I know.

    On MFP the system takes your numbers and gives you what to eat to lose the 1-2 pounds a week (for me 1/2 pound) whatever you choose. This gives you the calories with no exercise, and your daily work based burn. So for me I get to lose very little per week for 1200 calories. Your body NEEDS macronutrients to survive. SO the 1200 cals of good food should give you this.

    Now I have to EARN my addl 200-300 calories to get to that 1500, for me this is all psychological. I can see what I have left for dinner and I want to exercise to earn the 300 to eat a good dinner.

    If you eat 1200 calories, workout for 300, and do not eat them back your body has 900 calories of fuel. Kinda like driving your car on no gas.

    I love MFP and the way Mike has this all set up. IMHO we sabotage ourselves on our diets because we haven't eaten enough and beat ourselves to death because we cannot stick to 1000 or 1200 calories........this way I earn my keep! I have bean known to hop on the elliptical machine to earn butter for my roll!! :laugh:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, not really following the MFP "rules" too closely. The days that I exercise I'll be more hungry than the days that I don't. The food diary is a great guideline, though. I use it daily. But, on days where I do my spin class in the morning and my 30 Day Shred DVD at night, MFP would have me eating an insane amount of food. Pretty much double what they suggest I eat on a no exercise day. I'm not going to eat just ot meet that quota. I eat a lot on those days anyway, I'm not looking to starve myself, but I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry.

    If that's working for you, that's wonderful. But for a lot of people, eating based on "hunger" backfires. One of the biggest reasons for the existence of a site such as MFP is that the majority of people who are overweight are not able to recognize the true feelings of hunger. Saying "trust your body" just isn't a useful thing in the beginning. Most overeaters have established habits over many years that contradict the body's normal hunger cues - and thus they can no longer distinguish between real hunger and other feelings or mental cues. It's a classic case of Pavlov's dog - over time, associating something with food brings the same response whether the food is there or not. Overeaters will feel hungry when they are not, and not feel hungry when they need fuel, because they are mentally and physically trained to have the inappropriate assocations/responses with food that caused their overeating.

    This is one reason why MFP (or any calorie counting) is so useful. One of its best applications as a weight loss tool is to help retrain the body AND mind to recognize the cues a HEALTHY body gives us. The way it does this is it says "You need to eat this many calories today. Don't go too far over or under - try to meet this goal." By doing that over the first few weeks or months, it helps us recognize healthy portions, and a healthy schedule, and a healthy amount of total calories - based on fairly accurate estimates of what a person this size/age/activity level needs.

    The idea is this: MFP already calculates a cal deficit that allows for a certain amount of HEALTHY weight loss per week. Exercise over and above that number of calories needs to be replaced to some extent or the deficit is larger than what you (presumably) intended, and probably not a sustainable rate of weight loss, and probably a high amount of muscle loss in addition to fat loss. Which leads to being "skinny fat" - being skinny, but not having good muscle mass or an optimum metabolism to help maintain that weight loss.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    i dont eat mine,its working just fine for me
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