Daily Goals

Okay, so I'm not afraid of going over my fiber or protein intakes, but I'm wondering if I need to hit my fat and carb goals or if those are just limits? I've been pretty good about not hitting them, but am I supposed to be getting a certain amount of carbs and fats each day?


  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    not sure i normally have left over fat which i like to do i find it hard sometimes to leave spare carbs though but i try to as i now lowering carbs is meant to help you lose weight
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I can't give a scientific or medical answer, but my opinion is our bodies need a healthy balance. When I figure in my meals for the day and still have a few calories to spare, I base that evening snack on what my charts say I am still a tad bit short on.... It works for me...
  • bigmang
    I'm no expert but I believe that the body does need a certain amount of fat & carbs to survive, I would assume that a small deficit would not do much harm but eating no carbs such as Atkins diet is bad, eating too much carbs is bad as when the body doesn't use them it is stored as fat... The numbers are for guidance, keep close to them, a litle over or under won't do much harm if there is balance, some excercise, some healthy foods etc.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I'm not sure on this either. I have been wondering the same thing. My best guess is, it would be okay to be under on those 2 items....but depends on what I have done that day. I have noticed if I have done a good workout at the gym and my carb intake is under for the day I am lacking energy. So, I am trying to make sure I get as close as possible to my carbs on my heavy exercise days. As for the fat intake....if it is the good fats....from nuts and olive oil, etc....well, then that would be a good thing. But, I am finding I am consistently below on my fat intake. Hopefully someone here knows the right answers! :)