Question about my scale

I just bought a decent Taylor scale about a month ago (for this site!)

Sometimes, I can weigh myself, step off, weigh myself again and get 2 different readings within 2-3 pounds of one another!

Why would this happen within 10 seconds? Is it the scale or what?

Does this happen to anyone else?


  • ToddFo
    ToddFo Posts: 33 Member
    Do you have it on a hard, flat surface?
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Yup. Bathroom tile. Same spot, always.
  • ToddFo
    ToddFo Posts: 33 Member
    I can jump on my Taylor, get a reading, jump off and do it again (several times) with the exact same reading. Might be a bad scale then I guess.
  • brocflores
    I have a taylor as well and from time to time it will do that. I will weigh myself a few times til I see the same number a few times and go w that one. It will do that twice to me where it will give like a 20lb diff and I'm like yeah I wish I was that weight.
  • Aedriyuna
    My scale is a healthometer and it does that too, I hate that! I just do it twice and go by both lol.
  • jrowe3737
    jrowe3737 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a weight watchers scale, and it does the same thing. It is also on a flat surface in the bathroom. I figure it is because the scale is large, and therefore subject to more variation because you can more easily shift your weight around, whereas when you have a smaller scale, there is only enough room for you stand one way, and therefore you have a more constant weight. In addition, that scale has me weighing 5 pounds less than on my Wii fit scale. That's on carpet, though, so I'm thinking even if there can be so many different weights on the weight watcher's scale, it is probably more accurate because it's on a hard surface. The scale at the doctor's office is somewhere in between the two scales!!!! Arrgh. I think the important thing is that you weigh yourself the same way each day -- stand tall, stand as you would normally, keep track of that number, and hopefully it continues to go downward. That's what I'm going to do . . .
  • katsmeow77
    my scale is on tile, too. The feet need to not be on the grout in between the tile. I have a problem with mine when it isn't centered between 2 tiles.