New... Looking to loose about 15 pounds

Hi all,
Have been on MFP since Monday and have lost a pound. I'm pretty active and do spin, step, turbo kick, and I'm started doing some 5ks and some climbs since the fall. However, I just turned 41 and man, those last few pounds are stubborn! So frustrating! Looking for any support to keep me from hitting that wall and giving up!
Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • dieseljay74
    Same here. only have the last say 15- 20 pounds to lose. Actually that's where I started....not overweight but not ripped either. Could never get my diet on track to get those last few vanity pounds off. Been doing MFP for a solid week and so far i really like it. Haven't wieghed myself yet but I feel better and clothes are slightly loose!

    Good luck!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hiya and welcome! wow id love to be able to fit all that in! im on my final 6-10 pounds! so if u need some motivation feel free to add me as friend! good luck
  • YoderKatie
    YoderKatie Posts: 11 Member
    same, i've only got 10 pounds i'd like to lose and i feel like the smaller the weight loss goal, the tougher it is coming off. boo
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Me too! I met my goal of 145, now I am flirting with the idea of 135. Being that I am 46 and despite sticking with the mfp plan, the scale has moved very little in the last 6 weeks. Have definitely toned up though, so still cause for rejoicing. Would love to find buddies with this issue. I'll send a friend request:)
  • jenallen15
    jenallen15 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the requests and support. Bad day today. Made not so good choices even though I started out with a good spin class. I still came in under my calorie allowed, but a cupcake and movie theater popcorn can't be good~