Can not drinking enough water hinder weight loss success?

gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I have been wondering this. I honestly probably only drink maybe 6-7 cups at the most a day. I know I'm supposed to drink 8 but it's just so hard. I am wondering if this could be causing me to lose weight so slowly. Also if I ate something high in sodium and didn't drink my 8 glasses, could that be causing the pounds to stay on even if I exercise and even if I'm under my calorie goal? Thoughts here please!


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Absolutely. If you're dehydrated, that leads to water retention.

    If you're struggling with gettning enough water, get a refillable bottle (a double-wall stainless steel bottle will keep your water cold without sweating all over everything) and carry it with you, filling it up every time it's empty. Do the math and figure how many times you need to fill it to meet your quota. It'll get easier, and you'll start recognizing your thirst cues better.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I think it does- for me anyway. I drink a minimum of 3 liters a day! I feel so much healthier when I do! I notice the scale goes in my favor more too! If you drink the water, then your body will shed the excess water!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Sometimes it helps to squeeze a piece of lemon in every glass - its healthy and makes the water taste better! I think its important. Good for having at least those 7!
  • Thanks for the tips guys. I do have a stainless steel water bottle that I could carry around. I will definitely be drinking more water!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I agree with the other posts. There may be times when you think you're hungry, but it's your body telling you it's dehydrated. So drink water first and if that doesn't help, then eat something.
  • tabbilynn0402
    tabbilynn0402 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know the true scientific answer, but I have noticed that when I don't get all mine in, I really don't seem to lose as easily and my body doesn't feel as good. When I make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water, my body feels better and I do seem to notice weight loss is easier. However, I'm not totally sure that it's strictly dealing with water, because when I'm not doing well on water, I'm not usually doing as well with my foods either. So, don't know if they all go hand in hand or not. Sorry if that just makes it more confusing, but I'm hoping it at least gives you something to think about.
  • I am right there with you... I just can't do it! It is so hard for me to drink water.... I usually end up drinking crystal light!!! UGH!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    I am right there with you... I just can't do it! It is so hard for me to drink water.... I usually end up drinking crystal light!!! UGH!

    what is crystal light and where can i get it? im from Scotland

    Kirstie x
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I use Propel drink mixes, but I dilute them big time. Instead of one packet per 16 oz, I use one packet per 32 oz of water. It's just enough to give it a little flavor.
  • I use these Great Value packets for my bottled water. They are only 10 cals per packet. I usually only use two of them a day and then drink some plain water. Just gives it a little flavor and it says "Vitamin Water" on the packets so I assume I'm getting some vitamins with that too.
  • How much water you should intake daily also depends on your weight. Use the following calculator to determine how many ounces of water you should drink per day, then use Google to convert ounces to cups.

    I'm 6'5" and 310lbs, so I need to consume 17.5oz per day instead of the recommended 8cups (for the average 142lb person). I do notice that the closer I can get to that 17.5oz daily, the pounds come off much more easily. And, like a previous comment, with that much water I'm unconsciously eating healthier and eating less as well.

    If there is just one thing I focus on in a day to ensure healthy weight loss, it's my water intake. So if you're not losing weight and getting your 8 cups of water, try drinking 10 or 12 depending on your current weight and see if that helps.
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