Applebee's 550 Menu - your thoughts?

efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
So, I went to Applebee's last night and had the Teriyaki Shrimp Pasta. I thought it was tasty, and I'm sure some would say the portion size was "just right". The 550 menu certainly does give people like us (MFP'ers) an opportunity to dine out and not blow an entire day's (week's? :laugh: ) worth of calories at one meal.

BUT, I think that from a value perspective, it makes it hard for me to want to choose something from this menu. The Teriyaki Shrimp Pasta was $12.49, and of course there wasn't any salad, breadsticks, garlic toast or anything. The portion size was pretty small...the pasta almost non-existent. I could have gotten a burger or wrap with fries (or a side salad) for $8.99.

And here's another thing - although I felt somewhat satisfied after I finished eating, a couple hours later I felt hungry, so I did have a small dish of ice cream. If I would have gotten the burger and fries, I would have felt full all night.

I know it is all about choices, but I am curious...anybody out there who has tried the Applebee's 550 menu, let me know your thoughts.


  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    I know it is all about choices, but I am curious...anybody out there who has tried the Applebee's 550 menu, let me know your thoughts.

    Hah I was there last night too! I had the dijon chicken and portobellos. The portion size was just right and actually i couldn't finish the chicken (I ate the potatoes and veggies first). Wasn't hungry later or anything. Then again, I did have a skinnybee margarita with it :wink: :drinker:
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i normally get the steak and it leaves me full
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    It always irritates me that the smaller portions with less "food" are more expensive. Sit down restaurants are hard to do because you just never know how the food is really cooked and I always feel ripped off when I get the bill. If they really want to solve the obesity issue in the world they would make the healthy food cheaper. :grumble:
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I actually had the Dijon Chicken meal that was 550 and under (forgot the actual cal amount).

    I really liked the Chicken and the portion was a little on the small side but I also did my best not to binge on it. I did wish it would come with a house side salad, which isn't a lot of cals either. Or at least had the option.

    My biggest concern, for me that is, is the actual amount of sodium in the dish, along with the other dishes in the 550 cal menu. They had more cals on them then some of the regular dishes.

    Its great if you don't want to think about how many cals are in a meal and if you are only concerned with cals. Otherwise, I think I will, from now on, stick with a low sodium dish (still hard to do) and just eat half of that meal and take the rest home. I did that at chili's last night and was still under my cal count. It was nice.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I've tried almost all of the under 550 options and liked them all, however they are kind of small. Normally going out to eat I would share an appetizer, eat a naughty meal, have a beer, and have dessert. So, I use the 550 meal as a substitute for the 1200 cal meals and still have a little bit of appetizers and a small dessert. they have those cute little dessert shooters that are perfect.

    So yeah, I would probably still go a little over my cals on those days, but by 1000 less than I would if I had eaten like I used to.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Just be careful because there was a thing a little while ago that their "Weight Watchers Menu" wasn't really so weight watcherish. The calories, fat, etc was waaaaaaaaaaaay off.
  • The Asiago Peppercorn Steak was really good (the potatoes were excellent) and I was full until dinner.
  • That's too bad the portions were so small. My husband and I thought of going there to eat recently until I checked their menu out online. The sodium in those meals was more than my daily intake so we opted for staying home. It kills me these places SAY they're offering something with low calories, but the underlying reality is the rest of the nutrients you track is threw the roof.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    It's hard for most of us to avoid eating out, and often we try to make the best choices with the information that we have. But consider nutrition information is not regulated in any way shape for form. That nutritional information also assumes the selection is made to a standard recipe: substitutions, careless cooks etc. will all impact those values.

    Additionally, numerous studies have shown that most menu items come in @ 20-30% MORE than indicated on the menu. So if/when you eat out, be sure to take that in consideration.
  • It always irritates me that the smaller portions with less "food" are more expensive. Sit down restaurants are hard to do because you just never know how the food is really cooked and I always feel ripped off when I get the bill. If they really want to solve the obesity issue in the world they would make the healthy food cheaper. :grumble:

    OMG! Sooo true!!!! I especially get annoyed when I go food shopping!!!
  • I've seen that in the menu but never tried it... I'm a cheapo so I just eat half of what I get and take the rest home for lunch the next day! I just try to over estimate calories:)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    It always irritates me that the smaller portions with less "food" are more expensive. Sit down restaurants are hard to do because you just never know how the food is really cooked and I always feel ripped off when I get the bill. If they really want to solve the obesity issue in the world they would make the healthy food cheaper. :grumble:

    But 'they' don't. They just want your money.
  • I almost went to Applebee's last night, with another MFP'er (Hi Ashley!), but instead we decided to do chili's. It is definitely all about choices... I didn't get an option from the "guiltless grill" instead I got the monterey chicken, and I split every part of the dinner in half, and took it home for lunch today. It cut the 800+ calorie meal into 400+ calories. I definitely felt full after eating the broccoli, chicken, and potatos. It is definitely all about choices. The 550 menu may be great, but do some planning ahead, and maybe get the higher calorie meal and just split it in half. Make sure you have the willpower to do this, otherwise stick with the lower calorie meals. haha
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I don't trust Applebees 550 menu. For one, they already have had issues before about claiming certain meals where under 500. For another, one chef may use more oil than another, or slightly more pasta than another. They don't have time at restaurants to be weighing out food exactly.

    And the sodium (two at almost daily allowance, and rest past it) and carbs are HIGH for such low calorie meals. Not worth it to me
  • jillcaudill
    jillcaudill Posts: 54 Member
    I agree you are just getting a smaller portion for the same price of other food. My husband and I went there the other day. We both got a dish off the 550 and under menu and split both. We did the steak and garlic shrimp, and the terriyaki shrimp pasta. I was satisfied afterwards, but I did snack before bed, just a few almonds. I stayed within my calorie goal. If you are looking for more value, sometimes I find a meal 1000-1200 calories and eat half of it. I tends to be around the same portion size and you get two meals out of it. :)
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I have had quite a few of their 550 menu dishes. I've liked them. The portions are good for me. I don't like the feeling of being over full. I'm willing to pay the $$ because they have choices unlike other places. But, the sodium on those dishes at Applebee's is REALLY high. Like crazy high. So I make sure I drink at least 2 of their big glasses of water while I'm sitting there. (I always ask for water with a lemon slice). I don't know...I'm from a small town and we have a lot of school committee meetings there at Applebees and such so it at least gives me the option to eat something. Otherwise I'd sit there and not eat anything and everyone else would be making me feel badly for it.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The Asiago Peppercorn Steak was really good (the potatoes were excellent) and I was full until dinner.

    really I tried that once and had a hard time chewing it.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Bleh. I thought the pasta was gross! :P My favorite is the Weight Watchers Chipotle Lime Chicken and the Under 550 Grilled Shrimp and Island Rice. I think Applebee's is GREAT. It's our go-to restaurant whenever we go out to eat.
  • I did go there a couple weeks ago, had the steak and half glass of wine, no appetizer or dessert, so i was under my 600 cals/meal goal. But i did gain weight the next day. Maybe because of the sodium even tho i had at least 8 glasses of water? Or because i had the steak?

    Verdict? I would go again but avoid the steak and drink at least 12-15 glasses of water. $6 is not worth it for junk. $12 is worth it for something healthy. It's actually extremely reasonable, compared to the $250 we spent at this french/asian restaurant this past Friday just for 2 people. The service was the best I have ever experienced tho :-)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I did freak out when I saw the sodium...I didn't have a gain today, but I probably will tomorrow (it always catches up, somehow). I go out to eat almost every Saturday, and usually I do order a "regular" menu item and bring half home. Sometimes I make TWO meals out of what I brought home. That seems to work for me. That's why I wasn't thrilled with the 550 menu (no leftovers :cry: - I didn't mention that in my original post).

    I don't mind paying more for "healthy", but I don't like paying more for "less" or "less satisfying", I guess.

    Another thing for me, too, is that I am looking at this as a life style change, and for me, I don't think I want to go the rest of my life ordering "light" or "healthy" when I go out. I mean, I still try to make better, informed choices - but I like a decadent treat now and then, as well. I think I'd rather have half of a yummy chicken sandwich with some fries, than a "full" portion from the 550 menu.
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