Is peanut butter and jam a good choice to eat or no?

I love peanut butter and jam but I don't know if they are healthy?


  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    If you put it on a slice of 100% stone ground whole grain bread, and stick to the serving suggestion of the PB & jam, it's a much healthier snack then a Snicker's bar.

  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Peanut Butter is a good source of protein, but it has a fair amount of fat in it as well. All I can say is, check the nutrition label. Measure how much you eat and put it in your daily planner. You could probably have a sandwich or two a day without much problem.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    As for the fat.....try to stick to a "natural" peanut butter. It should only list peanuts and salt in the ingredients. The traditional PB brands are full of hydrogenated oils, sugar, and chemical preservatives. This will make sure the fat you get from your PB is the "good" kind of fat.

    For the jam, try to look for a healthier variety that is without high fructose corn syrup and made mostly of fruit.
  • Fineraziel
    Well, I eat one slice of whole-wheat bread with 2.5 tbsp of peanut butter (light, but still lots of fat...) and 1 tbsp of jam almost every morning with half a banana. That's my breakfast, I enjoy it and it works for me! :)
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I eat PB & J almost every day for lunch. i have it on two whole wheat slices of bread, which has 10g of protein and 6 g of fibre, and have a bit over a tablespoon of natural PB and some low-sugar jam. It's delicious and filling and easy and cheap, so that's why I eat it! It's around 400 cals, which is good for a meal. Just careful you don't slather on too much PB!
  • PurpleJellyean
    PurpleJellyean Posts: 29 Member
    I eat 100% natural PB but watch the quantity. I never eat the "fake" stuff anymore and in fact think it tastes waxy and gross. For jam, I eat St.Dalfour raspberry jam (again watching the quantity) as it has no added sugar nor chemical sweeteners. ;) I think on a slice of whole grain bread or english muffin, it's a great choice from time to time. ;)
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    What I do is toast a slice of wheat bread, put a thin layer (about a teaspoon worth) of peanut butter (it melts beautifully) and then slice bananas and/or strawberries and place it on top rather than use jam/jelly. It's a healthy and filling snack.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Peanut Butter is a good source of protein, but it has a fair amount of fat in it as well. All I can say is, check the nutrition label. Measure how much you eat and put it in your daily planner. You could probably have a sandwich or two a day without much problem.

    The fat from Peanut Butter is primarily monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats, which are very healthy and necessary fats. Peanut Butter is very healthy for you. Just make sure to get natural regular peanut butter, and not reduced fat peanut butter. Reduced fat peanut butter has the same calories as regular peanut butter, they just take out some of the healthy fat and replace it with sugars.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Peanut butter is a GREAT choice! You might check labels and look for PB that does not contain high fructose corn syrup. PB is high in fat but they are HEALTHY fats so don't let that intimidate you. A serving size is 2 tablespoons so make sure you don't go over that. As far as jam goes, try to search for a low sugar version. I make my own peach jam during summer months and use a low sugar recipe. So yummy! You might also try the Polaner all fruit, just keep the serving size in mind. Spread the PB & jam on a whole grain bread and its a great choice! Lots of protein as well (in the PB).

    Enjoy! :)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I eat everything (I like) in moderation :bigsmile:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I eat peanut butter and jelly almost every day and LOVE it!! You should really try to stick the natural peanut butter because it has better "good fats". Smart balance is really good, and there's no refrigeration necessary. Also for jam/jelly, try to go for the low sugar variety. Smuckers makes a low sugar jelly which has no artificial sweetners in it, and only 25 calories per 1tbsp. Enjoy!!!!
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    Eat the real stuff- not low fat, not sugar free, etc. And watch your portions so you can stick within your allotted fat for the day!
  • dream_litotes
    I like eating my peanut butter toast with sliced apple on it. I personally think it's tastier than jam (not so sticky), and it's more filling too! (I obviously eat the rest of the apple too, not just the slices on the peanut butter...)

    I sometimes have these once a day for five days in a row without problems. :)
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    Peanut butter is very good for you as long as you eat the natural kind without added oils. Ingridents should say: peants, salt and nothing else. The fat in PB is great for you.

    As for jam - one thng I will do is take a few fresh raspberries and blueberries and smash them with a fork in a bowl a bit and place them on the sandwich. Cuts down on all those extra calories/sugar and adds a great deal of nutrion.

    Have fun and don't toture yourself over what you can/can't eat
  • NBgnnngs
    I love PB& J.. its my down fall. Its usually a treat for me now (when I have worked extra hard in my calorie burning