
79Toni79 Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
What other foods are there apart from salad? I'm not coping well with being hungry and need other foods that i can eat, i've only been dieting for a week..............Ideas anyone?


  • I found that having small snacks around at all times really does help! Try measuring out some cashews or even beef jerky. Things that are full in protein are great snacks and are really satisfying!
  • I started a "Body Makeover" contest with a friend on January 3rd. I've watched my calories closely and my diet mostly consists of the following foods: baked chicken, baked tilapia, lots of veggies, brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruit smoothies and turkey salads. I've lost 13.8 pounds in 6 weeks. Of course, it isn't all due to dieting. I'm training for a half marathon as well so all of that cardio is obviously helping move things along. Good luck!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    eek, I firmly believe you can eat ANYTHING while dieting! I am no salad girl!

    Just measure out the correct portion size and stay within your target calories for the day!

    Some healthy ideas are soups (with clear cream-based). My faves are homemade chicken noodle, or chicken & dumplings. At work I eat a lot of the Progresso light soups. The other night we had grilled chicken, mustard greens and sweet potatoes with butter, sugar and cinnamon for dinner, and it only had 384 calories and 14g of fat. I eat lean beef often.

    I don't believe in doing restrictive diets, because this is a life-style change, and you will not want to live off of salad forever. I want to learn to eat real food in quantities that are okay. restrictive diets have a high rate of failure.

    My diary is public if you want to peek, and here is a good blog I wrote about my view of food
  • Omg, lots! Salad does not nessessarily equal diet. Look at my food diary for ideas. It really comes down to how much and how often with food. Keep your fat intake low and stay away from processed sugars as a general rule and you'll do well.

    Keep it up!
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    You shouldn't look at it as dieting. When you do that you automatically reject the thought of it. i eat what I what but am aware of what I am eating. It's more of a lifestyle change. This site helped me track my food and calories so I could see where I was going wrong. Take a look at your daily log and see what you could've done different.
  • eek, I firmly believe you can eat ANYTHING while dieting! I am no salad girl!

    Just measure out the correct portion size and stay within your target calories for the day!


    I don't believe in doing restrictive diets, because this is a life-style change, and you will not want to live off of salad forever. I want to learn to eat real food in quantities that are okay. restrictive diets have a high rate of failure.

    Right on!!!
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I stick to foods that have a lot of protein and/or fiber. WHOLE foods (I'm very anti-processed, "fake" ingredients)

    Some of my go-tos:

    cottage cheese
    poached or hard-boiled egg
    hummus and cucumbers/carrots
    half an avocado
    banana, ezekial bread (it actually tastes good!) and almond butter
    apples with almond butter
  • Anything high in fat or protein.

    Cut the grains out and replace with fresh veg. Stay within 2000 calories a day and you will lose weight.
  • I just had an amazing 352 cal lunch: 1 slice (95g) fat free honey smoked turkey on Brownberry Health Nut bread, plus 1/4 cup cottage cheese, plus large serving (310g cooked) of asaragus. Its basically a full plate single layer of asparagus, with quick coat of spray on oil, with a bout a teaspoon of chopped garlic (in water), topped with a parmesean flavored topping...Ohhh!

    Or from 14.5oz can of generic (no salt) tomatoes...added to a (pre-sauteed) 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 tsp chopped garlic, and maybe two ounces of red wine...add an "ice cube" of frozen chopped basil leaves and a couple tablespoons of oregano...over 2.0oz of whole wheat spaghetti. OH YEAH. ..all for 370Kcals.:)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Eat protein to keep from being hungry and eat every few hours.

    Think of this as a lifestyle change, not a diet, if you can't do it long term it won't work.

    The recipes in the link was posted by someone here and are great, you can also peek at others' diary, lots are open and good examples (if you look at mine, I am new at this and by no means perfect but some of my weekdays are pretty successful).

    Good luck!
  • I have protein, mainly fish, chicken or egg with green salad and veg. I stir fry cabbage, brocolli, mangetout, mushrooms and peppers with low salt soy sauce.
  • Thankyou everyone for all your helpful advice and support!!! I have taken all your points on board and will intergrate them into my day.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Take a look at my food diary. It is public.
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