Seeing Results

I just want to know how long it will be before I start seeing results. I can feel the added energy in my body. I can start seeing weight loss in my face as well. I went to the doctor this week and I gained a freaking pound. I don't want to gain, I want to lose. I just need some encouragment i guess. I am sick of being 29 and 300 pounds.:ohwell:


  • christenapanzone
    christenapanzone Posts: 18 Member
    It took three weeks before I actually saw the number on the scale go down. The best thing to do is to regularly take photos of yourself so you actually see your progress when you compare one week to the next. That was encouraging for me even though I didn't see the pounds come off.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Trust the new energy and stay the course! Sometimes I think we put too much value on the scale. You may have lost inches or gained muscle...all are good results!

    Trust yourself!!:smile:
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Make sure you enter everything correctly for your profile and that you entered your activity level correctly for MFP to calculate what you should be consuming daily. Make sure you are logging everything. Even if it's a 1/2 tsp of milk and you are drinking enough water daily. Make sure you have your exercise calorie burn correct. Then just keep doing what you should be doing. I gained this week also but I lost in inches. Make sure you take your measurements once a week, on the same day and at the same time of the day each time. You can weigh in the morning, again at lunch and finally before you go to bed and all 3 weights will be different.

    Main thing is don't give up. Have faith in yourself and what you are trying to accomplish. It will all come to pass. May not be in the time frame that you want it to be in but it will happen. I have faith in you.
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    A tape measure gives you better feedback on how you're doing than the scale. The whole muscle weighs more than fat thing.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Dont let the scale pull you down or discourage you. Your best friend in this adventure should be your measuring tape. It doesn't lie with the lose of inches. The scale will flucutate and when you see the gain you get discouraged and we usually end up falling off the wagon. As mentioned take pics, measure, and enjoy the added energy your discovering. And enjoy the change in how your clothes fit, that's a sure sign...Good luck and stick to the course....
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    hey hun I would get a tape measure and measure yourself my friend was so disheartened at not losing weight one week to the next we kept telling her that her body shape was changing and when she measured she had lost a total of 9 inches on hips waist and bust. seriously it isn't just about the scales its about how you feel in your clothes x
  • loriefolk
    A tape measure gives you better feedback on how you're doing than the scale. The whole muscle weighs more than fat thing.

    Agreed. I've started measuring myself recently. I like that I can see my progress without relying on the scale :)
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    It took three weeks before I actually saw the number on the scale go down. The best thing to do is to regularly take photos of yourself so you actually see your progress when you compare one week to the next. That was encouraging for me even though I didn't see the pounds come off.
    love this I have my fat photo on the fridge and in the snack cupboards a little reminder that I don't want to go back there x
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    Sounds like you are already seeing results...:happy: Added energy, thinner face... Keep up the good work!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have been on myfitnesspal for about a month now ! And i am already seen alot of results ! My clothes are getting bigger and i helped with a kids dinner at church last night at the dessert table and did not eat dessert ! Little things like that are encouraging me to keep up the good work !
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    I have been on myfitnesspal for about a month now ! And i am already seen alot of results ! My clothes are getting bigger and i helped with a kids dinner at church last night at the dessert table and did not eat dessert ! Little things like that are encouraging me to keep up the good work !

    i am so with you on this one, my work clothes are getting bigger and i to was able to walk away from afters today and thought 1 nill to me.
    So keep going you can do this.xx