Does making your food diary public keep you "honest?"



  • jaxcpotter
    jaxcpotter Posts: 23 Member
    It does for me. I feel more accountable.
  • Cristy_AZ
    I keep mine open because I appreciate seeing what others are eating, what works and how to come back from falters. I figure its only fair to let others see mine too. I am honest on here 100%, yea sometimes it embarassing, but we're all human and here for a reason, just having to log everything I eat helped me control portions, for me its about being acountable to myself
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Mine is public and I'm completely honest when I log my foods. There are some days, especially when I go out to eat, that I don't log, but that's because I take two days off each week from counting calories, and if I go over I don't really care. And we also go to local restaurants that don't have nutrition info on their websites.

    Having my food diary public doesn't make me more or less honest, I'm the same whether it's public or not. I know people look at my diary, but I don't care either way.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    it makes no never mind to me..that is because I am a math geek at heart and thus have already done most of the math in my head and know the truth whether it is on the screen or is just easier and faster to log it than to check my mental math 400 times and obsess over my intake. I obsess less by logging. I don't care if others see it or they check my exercise log too and see my miles run etc...
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    No. I'm honest either way.
  • alba_merula
    alba_merula Posts: 15 Member
    Sort of...

    I basically eat things I have eaten before MFP; one change is that I eat more vegetables ( for "low calorie, big volume" foods). The other one is that I drink more coffee - same reason as vegetables, and it's half decaffeinated, with lots of milk and sweetener - this change is not something I'm proud of. But that's what happened, so I log it, and feel slightly embarrassed seeing it.

    I also love pizza (and anything from Italy, for that matter), and dark chocolate; I'd love to log salads and stuff every day, but right now that's what I am. If it shall bother me one day enough to change my ways, I will - till then I just log it and see what it is.

    My favourite healthy cold menu is:
    - toasted whole wheat bread;
    - chicken breast deli slices;
    - raw carrots (a lot)
    - a cup of low fat yoghurt
    - some dried spices (basil, oregano, etc) mixed into the yoghurt.

    One bite of toast with chicken, with a bite of carrot dipped into the spiced yoghurt... yummie!

    And depending on the brands I pick it's usually between 180 -250 kcals.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I leave mine open for a few reasons. The main one is to show people how I eat. Also accountability is what we all need. But remember whether you show us or not like I tell my clients you may be lieing to me but your really lieing to yourself. If you cant be honest with yourself then success will be harder to achieve.
  • moonshine_bek
    I have my diary hidden, but if someone asked to see it, I have the passcode function on so they can do if I like them :laugh: I keep it hidden because I like to have some mystery, but I log every single thing I eat, even if it is a bite of a burger. I am not dishonest with myself, there is no point. :drinker:
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I'd be honest either me it makes no sense to lie 'cuz it all comes out in the weigh-in...unless you're going to lie there too! It does, however, help me make good decisions, as it would embarrass me to slip up too many times. Not that I'm so secure that I don't add a "DON'T JUDGE ME PLEASE" immediately after closing out my day! hahaha
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    It's about honesty to yourself first and foremost. Occasionally, when I'm having a complete disaster (eg > 1000 cals over) I'll just stop, but usually will say so in the notes and on my profile.

    My diary is open to friends only though, as I don't see any reason to publish any more personal information on the interweb than is necessary.

    If people judge me and any criticism is constructive, then that's great!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    When I first made mine public, I thought it might keep me honest. I figured knowing others could see everything I ate might help to keep me from slipping up. But after a few days I didn't even think about it being public anymore. I log everything I eat or drink no matter if it's good or bad. And when I do have something I shouldn't, I almost never consider what other people might think about it. Sometimes I'm over (usually when I go out) but usually I'm pretty good. And I'm completely sure that's the only way I'll be able to make eating well a lasting habit.

    I do occasionally like to browse other people's diaries, not to judge but to get ideas; I figure others are looking for pretty much the same reason. If someone looks at my diary and has constructive suggestions about what I should and shouldn't be doing, I'd welcome their comments. And if someone wants to judge me for my indulgences, let them!
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    I don't care whether people can read mine or not- honest didn't even know you could make it private for a while. My biggest challenge is in being honest with myself. I like seeing what other people are doing, too, though and how they work in their 1200 cals!
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Better to be honest, then you can look back and gain knowledge of yourself. Patterns do form and you can figure things out.
  • lynxcoco
    lynxcoco Posts: 58 Member
    My diary is public because I am hoping to get pointers on how to win this battle. I've actually never thought about lying in it...thanks for putting that thought in my head...JK...It would be the equivalent of lying to your mom...she knows! LOL
  • amandakay23
    For me it helps me keep control. Knowing that everybody can see how much I eat. If I am craving something it makes me think twice before binging etc cause I know that everybody will be able to see it. However, I do still make sure that I log everything, despite the fact that everyone can see it.

    Me too exactly...
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member

    I find that I just have to have a diary at least open to my friends or I just start making excuses again. I love the feeling that I get for being accountable and the support I get from my MFP friends for doing so has been amazing so far.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I like to keep my open to my friends so they can see that yes you can still have ice cream, pizza, white rice, Mc D's etc and still lose weight! =)

    I'm not the type of person that can eat 100% clean (I'm too much of a picky eater and eating "healthy" can be really expensive.
  • shellywelly123
    shellywelly123 Posts: 159 Member
    I have found that it does make me honest and find that when i have a 'naughty' day i feel embarassed to put it on but still do
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    I use my diary to help me figure out what I CAN eat! I share it because I know I enjoy getting ideas from others...also I'm proud of how hard I'm working...AND I know I'm human (and therefore fallible).
    So there it is for me...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Doesn't matter public or private (mine is public), if you lie you only cheat yourself. Yes I look at my friends diary, and give comments, and expect to get some in return. I do admit that I will post my diary some days before everything is eatten, and will go back and make changes as needed. Usually I have to remove my evening snack because I just don't get to it.