New and looking for people who are positive and fun

Hello I am new to this site and so far I have to say it is pretty nifty. I am looking for friends to help keep me on track and I will do so in return. I have my own set up to help me track my progress on the computer but it lacks all the cool tools and people. I would like to have friends who are doing the same thing with the same goals.


  • angieb1978
    feel free to add me my food diary is public so take a look not a big fruit lover but i have lost 11lb in 3 weeks so im doing something right
  • georgiagorwell
    Hey, I've added you!
  • dwaun681
    I'm fun. Oh yeah...and positive!!!!!! =D Always looking for a friend to help me out as well!
  • ethel64
    feel free to add me... :)
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    hey, i've added you if thats alright, im also pretty new here and need a few friends for motivation!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Normally I am a very positive person -- highly motivated! Check out my profile ... I will warn you this weekend I am super negative (and it has nothing to do with weight loss). In addition to everything else I do, I am in school for my doctorate and am writing the most important paper of my life... and its already late.

    I have found my group of friends on here not only kick my butt when it comes to eating and exercise... but also when it comes to life! Hence, my need to post/vent about my paper!

    Hugs and much love -- welcome to the group!