Just getting started wih MFP

Hi everyone! I just started using this website two days ago and it seems awesome! It is a huge shocker to see how many calories I eat per day. In fact, it's a little disgusting. I have been pretty thin all my life. From the time I was in junior high until I was a junior in high school I was on the volleyball team which allowed to eat however I wanted and stay in great shape. I feel like my shape has gone down hill since then and I need a change in my diet and exercise habits (mostly eating habits :/). I hope this site can help me out! :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
  • tofeelwell
    tofeelwell Posts: 34 Member
    You are here for all the right reasons. I've tried calorie counting other ways but MFP is the easiest. Nice too that it tracks exercise. I've been at it six weeks and am down 7 lbs, learning as I go about how my body responds, like how the more my body gets used to exercise, the fewer calories I burn or that my metabolism doesn't seem to allow me to eat up those exercise calories.

    It helps to have a few "friends" on the site. I'm happy to be yours.
