Creating a MOTIVATIONAL space around you :)

rainonurparade3 Posts: 25
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys!

I thought I'd share some things I've done recently to make the space where I live a place where I can be motivated and inspired, not a place that makes me want to pig out and be lazy!

Here's some photos of my bedroom (I'm a teenager living at home so most of my time is spent in my room, for others it might be your living room or office that could be a better place to do up :) )

^^My photo wall, photos of my friends, family etc - people I want to be healthy around!

^^Photos of a healthier, fitter me a few years ago. They make me remember that I HAVE done this weight loss thing before and can succeed again!

^^A goal outfit, I bought this a few months ago knowing it could hardly fit, im gonna get back into it soon :D

Does anyone else do stuff like this? Put your ideas up here :)


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