Just venting..hope I dont offend anyone.

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I cant stand it when people actually think that the slim fast diet (3 shakes a day and then one REAL meal) is actually going to make you loose weight. uhh ya you'll loose weight until you start eating like a human again. lol Any sort of diet like that. People what is wronggg with you to think that something like that is actually going to work!

Ill admit Ive thought about those and was going to try diets like that UNTIL I became a member of mfp and realize that you do need to work at this. Losing weight and being healthy isnt as easy as drink 3 shakes a day lol. Its hard work. You NEED to work out. You NEED to change your eating habits you NEED to change your LIFE STYLE! I was in denial before but now I've realized that there is no other way I would want to do this other than the right way :)


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I used to use the powder shake mix,but not along the lines of the slimfast plan.I would use it to get something in my tummy when I wasnt at all hungry.
  • dancinggirl81
    dancinggirl81 Posts: 63 Member
    Seriously, there's no 'cheat' or quick fix... ie: 'The Cookie Diet'.... :grumble:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Lol, I did slimfast in highschool for two weeks because my prom dress was a smidge too tight. My dress did fit better come prom, but I missed eating real meals so much!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Totally agree. My pet hate is people eating way to few calories thinking it is going to give quicker weight loss. It just slows down the metabolism and puts the body into starvation mode......
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Yup I've tried every diet out there like that and they all work while you're on them and the second you stop the weight piles back on and then some. Finally realised that it needs to be a lifestyle change and it should be hard work.
  • I hate people that always have to find the quick fix or the amazing new diet. You need to understand it will take time and you need to change your habits. It's not easy in the beginning but it gets easier over time.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I believe it works like most diets. Does it last? maybe or not. Even changing lifestyle can eventually lead to regain if you aren't careful.

    Losing weight is the easy part....maintenance is where the true struggle lies. It's not how you get there it's how you stay there that matters.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I was looking into them as a snack option while I'm studying this semester. I might buy one and give it a go. I would never use it in replacement of real food. I love food too much! One of my managers at work has a shake every shift without fail but it makes sense -- it doesn't leave rubbish and she can continue doing work without worrying about general food mess. I think they have their place but definitely not three meals a day!

    You have a valid rant. If they're choosing to take the diet pill / shake / whizzbang diet option, you can sleep easy knowing that when they decide to eat real food again, you'll be much better off and they'll be dealing with a weight gain!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    exactally. I'm so glad I found MFP and I can see what I'm really eating. Now I know why the exercise alne wsan't helping me lose much weight.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I will sometimes use a protein shake for a quick snack, but not slim fast. Slim fast are gross.
    And if I do use one, its only one time a day if I don't have time to find a snack.

    I tried it once for a week, and I got waaaaay too hungry. You need a little food to keep you full!
  • I like a chilled Slimfast shake in the AM with some PB toast or something during the summer. Makes a good quick breakfast.

    As for the diet itself, I've never heard anyone have success with it.
  • It took time to put the weight on, it's going to take time to take the weight off. There's no quick fix.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Seriously, there's no 'cheat' or quick fix... ie: 'The Cookie Diet'.... :grumble:

    there is a cookie diet...seriously
    lol thats funny:laugh:
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I totally agree. I tried the Special K diet...I was uber hungry all the time, and I was SO tired of what I had to eat (which after 3 days of eating the same thin becomes SO boring!)
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I will admit it. I did try that Slim Fast diet a few years ago. You definitely will lose weight, because, when you get enough of it in your system, you are always running to the bathroom. I have come to realize, this is a lifestyle change, and not a diet. If we think of this as a lifestyle change, we will learn how to eat a lot healthier, and maintain the weight once we get to the weight we want to be at. Eating right and working out, have to be our friends, for the rest of our life.
  • I don't care how other people choose to lose weight, it's really none of my business........:indifferent:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I don't care how other people choose to lose weight, it's really none of my business........:indifferent:

    yeah I would have to agree with that
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Lol, I did slimfast in highschool for two weeks because my prom dress was a smidge too tight. My dress did fit better come prom, but I missed eating real meals so much!

    I think that that is the only legit reason to use any of those types of diets. I have to admit that I'm likely going to follow Atkins for three weeks in June to get whatever weight off that's left before I'm going to be in a bikini for a week and then go back to my current count calories plan for when I return (I'm hoping I'll be in maintenance by then!). I completely expect that I'll get back up to my normal weight within a week or two after returning, but it's fine for a short term solution but is completely unrealistic to live on forever.
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    What is worse than people who think quick fix diets work, is people who constantly complain about their body but don't make any changes in their food or exercise regime. Drives me NUTS!
  • Mobstang
    Mobstang Posts: 10 Member
    After reading this I feel almost guilty for using SlimFast as a breakfast replacement when I don't have time for a full meal. The Rich Chocolate Royale is pretty much the best thing ever and it keeps me full until lunch. I'm not using it in a "plan" but for 190 calories it is sure better than a candy bar and it satisfies the same urge.

    Also, when I first started getting into MFP I had a hard time eating breakfast so keeping it all liquid really helped.

    I do totally agree about not being a quick fix and you'll never get anywhere permanently without some real exercise.
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