30 day shred started today!! 14th february valentines day

sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Just started the shred for the very first time today, if anyone else has just started or wants to start please add me as a friend so we can all keep each other motivated. I've got 10 - 12 pounds to lose! Also is it wise to eat the calories you gain by exercising???


  • steph53282
    steph53282 Posts: 11 Member
    I started on Saturday (day 1) and skipped yesterday. So, today is day 2!!! I will friend request you!
  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    starting today too i will send and anyone else please add me too !!
  • I just purchased the video yesterday, I'll do it with you!.
  • My husband and I are on day 7. It really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. You will be sore if your doing it right and putting everything into it. The first day was the toughest but now it flies by because of how she breaks it up and because we know what is coming. Trust me, push through the soreness, it isn't that bad once you get going. Good luck and stick with it :)
  • janaegriffin87
    janaegriffin87 Posts: 33 Member
    I just started on Saturday too, I will add u! I think I do need to push harder though because it isn't as bad as I thought it would be (level 1). I don't really feel sore or anything! Could this be due to the fact that I was doing her yoga DVD for awhile before starting this one?
  • I just started Level 2 today -- it was a dosey. I like it.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I will be on day 5 today -only 25 more to go! :) I'll request you! U can do it! I love it-makes you feel stronger and gets your endurance up tpp
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm starting today! So excited/nervous. I'll request you. And yes, from what I've learned on this site, you should eat the calories you burn.
  • I started it today too! Add me as a friend!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    My first day was today too! I liked it. I had to stop for the "under 5 seconds" twice, but I got through everything. I can't figure out if we're supposed to do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2 and 10 days of level 3 without a day off for the 30 days. I think I might alternate videos with 30DS, NMTZ and BF, BM over the next few weeks to see how that works.
  • AnnThereseRN
    AnnThereseRN Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck! I started about a month ago and really noticed results after ten days - my clothes started to fit better. Its harsh on your knees though (especially #3), so use caution. Also, she does not do enough stretching at the end of the workouts. I recommend adding 5 more minutes of stretching when you are done - especially in these early days.

    You will notice inches lost before you notice weight loss, but do not get discouraged!
  • AnnThereseRN
    AnnThereseRN Posts: 44 Member
    I did 10 days of each workout 1 & 2, but workout 3 was too harsh on my knees, so I mix them all up now. Workout #2 gets me the sweatiest, so I think it burns the most calories.
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    thanks everyone feeling motivated already!! How do we start up a group?
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    Today is D2L1 for me as well. I'm really looking to tone up and I heard this is great for that. My goal for Level 1 is to do all of the exercises in proper form.
  • janaegriffin87
    janaegriffin87 Posts: 33 Member
    Today is D2L1 for me as well. I'm really looking to tone up and I heard this is great for that. My goal for Level 1 is to do all of the exercises in proper form.

    Keeping form is such an important aspect and very hard for me to keep up with! But Jillian is definitely a lot of help with this! Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the ab part wrong because I don't feel sore from the. Her yoga DVD Level 2 kicks my abs' butt!
  • ashlee2407
    ashlee2407 Posts: 65 Member
    30 day shred is an awesome workout but there is one thing on there that just irks the crap outta me. Jillian introduces one of her girls and says something along the lines of "If you keep up with this workout you will look just like her" Looks at the girl and says "Right?" the girl smiles and nods, then Jillian says "Sure" and laughs...
    But anyhow I know it gets you good results, so keep it up and good luck!!!
  • hi my name is tara you can add me too if you like we need to do this journey together not alone!!!
  • I'm going to buy this video today as a little Vday gift to myself, lol. I'll join up with you, but I probably won't get started until tomorrow. The hubby has some big plans for us tonight ;)
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    30 day shred is an awesome workout but there is one thing on there that just irks the crap outta me. Jillian introduces one of her girls and says something along the lines of "If you keep up with this workout you will look just like her" Looks at the girl and says "Right?" the girl smiles and nods, then Jillian says "Sure" and laughs...
    But anyhow I know it gets you good results, so keep it up and good luck!!!

    HAHAHA , am going to try my best thanks
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    I'm going to buy this video today as a little Vday gift to myself, lol. I'll join up with you, but I probably won't get started until tomorrow. The hubby has some big plans for us tonight ;)

    Ahh have a lovely night, def get started tomorrow!!
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