Workout with Your Kids

Can anyone recommend a good workout DVD to buy to do with a toddler? We are ordering a yoga for families DVD but would like something else, too. We love to dance so I was looking for a good dance type workout DVD to do with my 3 and half year old son. Any suggestions?


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    get them to dance...any form of dancing...mine isn't a toddler but he really makes me sweat when we do dance central...try zumba, or hip hop work outs, they should be easy to look up on
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    any of the wii fit games my kids love :) (I love them too)
  • chaugberg
    chaugberg Posts: 34 Member
    Just dance 2 or Just dance for kids on the wii is awesome. My 7 year old twins love them!
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    I was gonna ask if you have the wii. My kids LOVE Just Dance 2 and I just saw they have a Just Dance Kids. So now I know what to get my 5 yo for her birthday! They are 2 and 4 and do better at the game than me!!
  • jillianr78
    jillianr78 Posts: 7 Member
    If you have a Wii there is a game called Just Dance that is a great workout. They also have one that is Just Dance Kids, but I have not tried that one.
  • aneajo
    aneajo Posts: 287 Member
    My kids LOVE Sweatn to the Oldies. I mean LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE. They get so excited when they hear the music.
  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    we do dance time everyday on our own from music and or you tube ( you can set it up on a playlist so its a continuous work out ) . Try the you tube Just Dance Kids they are excerice dance routines to songs that kids love . and thay are a workout for you too . its so fun and my 3 yr old and the other two kids that are three love it !! Good Luck !!
  • erinkelly2
    erinkelly2 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi. I am a Mom of two little boys (2 1/2 and 4) and I watch my niece 4 days a week. We do not have a specific DVD or anything but everyday we have "dance time". I use my Ipod or the music channels on the tv (80s music works the best). We all dance around and I do aerobics to the music. They get really into it. Good luck with your weight loss and let us know if you do find a good DVD that the little ones can do. Also Add me as a friend if you would like, I do not know to many people on here yet.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I look after 5 children and have my own little boy they all love doing wii fit and my personal trainer dance work out which is a mix of latin dance and kick boxing hope this helps x
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    My nearly 3 yr old loves to join in with my 30 day shred, jumping along to the cardio and lying on the floor with her legs in the air for the ab section!
  • mixmastermolly
    Thanks, everyone. We dance a lot to different kid's CDs that we have....but I'm running out of moves so I need some new ones, haha.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Shaun T's Fit Kids has dancing. We did this with our daughters a couple of years ago.