Who has after C-Section stomach loss success stories?

LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
edited September 24 in Success Stories
I had a C-Section when I had my son 4 years ago, I was only able to breast feed for a month and was a stay at home mom for a little less then a year, didnt go to gym because the Boyfriend at the time didnt like me leaving baby with my parents all the time(was his excuse I think he just didnt want me to lose weight) so anywho...I let myself go for the first 2 years of my sons life, didnt exercise much and didnt diet much those 2 years...then me and the man broke up when my son turned 2, I joined weight watchers with my mom and lost a little over 50lbsjust with that and working out lightly 3-4 days a week...I was 239, and am now 186...even though I have lost alot of weight I realize I have to now get toned because I have alot of what I like to call "Flabby" just hangin around and mostly in my stomach area, I notice my stomach feels numb where they cut me open, I like that I dont have a huge scar where they cut me, you can barely see it and its pretty low :) but I just have this "Flabby" that hangs there and is so hard to get rid of, I know I have to be down to about 135 or so before it goes down but I just notice its the last place to shrink compared to everything else on my body...I get discouraged alot when I look at my stomach and try not to, so was just curious if anyone else has sum success stories after there C-Section to give me hope that it will happen in time:)


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    omg me to!I had a c section with my daughter almost 4 years ago and that thing wont go away!If its still there when I hit my goal I swear I'll get surgery.I hate it.
    As for the numbness I dont know that it ever goes away.Im still numb and it will be 4 years this june
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My c-section belly has significantly decreased. If i put on boyshorts (and cover my scar) you wouldn't be able to tell that i've had a surgery. I do have a tiny "pocket" of fat right directly above my scar but it's not noticeable when i have underwear on. My stomach gets tighter and tighter month by month. If you work at it, and you're patient with it, it will go in time. I don't have pictures yet, but once I'm finished my next program, I might throw some up just for good measure.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    I have had 4 c-sections, but have always been kind of flabby in that area, but I would love to hear of any success stories too!
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    Thats what I was thinking, I hear some people just dont loose that "Flabby" even after they lose the weight....Im really hoping I can lose alot of it with hard core Stomach Workouts...I mean I do hae a ways to go so Im going to try to think positive that it can be done without surgery...lets see if we can do this :) Crunches Galore!!! lol
  • I had a successful tummy tuck LOL! ;)~

    Good thing I got fed up enough to go for it because the doctor found a 4 inch muscle gap from the top of my rib cage to my pelvic bone, my intestines were hanging out. NO wonder no amount of weight loss or exercise would fix that. Good luck!


  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    There are a lot of us c-section moms here! That flap of skin is awful, mine is SO ugly. I was never thin, but when I was thinnER I had a small pooch, now I have this hangy-over stuff that is just gross. I have hope that losing the weight will shrink the monstrocity, but I don't think I'll be able to tighten it up all the way. I might have strong abs and a flat belly some day, but that extra skin is TOUGH to get rid of. I've pretty much accepted that I won't ever wear a string bikini or ultra low rise jeans, but I will be able to rock a tankini and regular jeans and feel amazing, so I'm in.

    As for the numbness, my mom had a c/s 27 years ago and is still numb in places. It's a permanent sever of nerves, those don't grow back. :grumble:
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    I have had 4 c-sections, but have always been kind of flabby in that area, but I would love to hear of any success stories too!

    Yes!!! someone give us a inspiring success story:)
  • smwpoole
    smwpoole Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost over 50 pounds and I'm only 10 away from my goal and being at a "normal" BMI. That being said, I still have flabby skin on my tummy from my C-Sections. My youngest is 4. I plan on having a tummy tuck once I reach goal (135) and stay there for at least a year.
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    My c-section belly has significantly decreased. If i put on boyshorts (and cover my scar) you wouldn't be able to tell that i've had a surgery. I do have a tiny "pocket" of fat right directly above my scar but it's not noticeable when i have underwear on. My stomach gets tighter and tighter month by month. If you work at it, and you're patient with it, it will go in time. I don't have pictures yet, but once I'm finished my next program, I might throw some up just for good measure.

    Thats soo good to hear....I will just have to keep up the hard core CRUNCHES:)
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    I have lost over 50 pounds and I'm only 10 away from my goal and being at a "normal" BMI. That being said, I still have flabby skin on my tummy from my C-Sections. My youngest is 4. I plan on having a tummy tuck once I reach goal (135) and stay there for at least a year.

    Send us sum pics if you ever get that done :)
  • The tummy IS the last place to go after a c-section! And it sucks! I too would like to see a flat tummy "after" pic! I guess the reason it's so hard to get rid of that flabby (I call it my "apron of fat") is because of the scar tissue. At least this is how my doctor explained it to me. She said that before the c-section any fat on your body would disperse throughout your abdomen because gravity would just pull everything evenly. Now it gets stuck on the scar tissue and has nowhere to go so it sort of builds up on top of it and hangs there. It's really not fair!
    Is your whole tummy numb or just along the scar line? I've had two c-sections and my first one was fine--it's the second one that caused the numbness.
    Congrats on the 50 lb weight loss! That's inspiring!
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh GOD that fat pocket just above the scar. Its evil. Its the last to go away. After my first c/s, I lost so much weight breastfeeding, and that pocket truly did disappear--my belly was FLAT. So, I have hope and you should too. Now almost 3 years post second c/s I started this weight loss journey at the same weight I was when I left the hospital. GAG. Anyways, the pocket is there, and it makes me so angry. Im determined to get it gone!! I have faith that if I drop the weight, it will go. I know it will be last, but it WILL go!! Just keep doing what you are doing!! 50 lbs is AMAZING!! You can do it!
  • I had to have an emergency c section about 13 1/2 years ago with my twins. I have a scar from hip bone to hip bone but very low so it will not show. There are still areas that the feeling has not come back. At this point I don't think it ever will. I have a little extra skin around the scar area but not that noticable. I do however still have a pouch just below my belly button and according to my OBGYN it may never go away. I have gotten use to it by now so the older I get the more it does not bother me. Hope this helps???
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    There are a lot of us c-section moms here! That flap of skin is awful, mine is SO ugly. I was never thin, but when I was thinnER I had a small pooch, now I have this hangy-over stuff that is just gross. I have hope that losing the weight will shrink the monstrocity, but I don't think I'll be able to tighten it up all the way. I might have strong abs and a flat belly some day, but that extra skin is TOUGH to get rid of. I've pretty much accepted that I won't ever wear a string bikini or ultra low rise jeans, but I will be able to rock a tankini and regular jeans and feel amazing, so I'm in.

    As for the numbness, my mom had a c/s 27 years ago and is still numb in places. It's a permanent sever of nerves, those don't grow back. :grumble:

    Ok Im going to keep faith that we can lose this with hard working out cuz me as well dont really need to have abs I dont mind a teany tiny pouch lol, I just want to be able to see my cute lil hip tattoo again LOL :laugh:
  • Careful what ab exercises you do, some of them actually make the pooch worse.

    Question: Once I close my diastasis by doing your program can I go back to doing crunches?

    Answer: NO. Crunches create a diastasis or make a diastasis larger if you have one. A diastasis is caused by a forward forceful movement on the outermost abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis). When the shoulders come off the floor it is impossible to engage the transverse muscle. If you cannot engage the transverse muscle then it is going forward forcefully making the diastasis larger or creating one. Besides working the muscles in the wrong direction they also work the discs of the spine in the wrong direction. Solution to safely increase the intensity of your abdominal work: When doing the head lifts, bring your feet away from the buttocks. This brings the small of the back off the floor. The higher the small of the back is off the floor, the harder it is to use your abdominals to put it on the floor.

  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    Oh GOD that fat pocket just above the scar. Its evil. Its the last to go away. After my first c/s, I lost so much weight breastfeeding, and that pocket truly did disappear--my belly was FLAT. So, I have hope and you should too. Now almost 3 years post second c/s I started this weight loss journey at the same weight I was when I left the hospital. GAG. Anyways, the pocket is there, and it makes me so angry. Im determined to get it gone!! I have faith that if I drop the weight, it will go. I know it will be last, but it WILL go!! Just keep doing what you are doing!! 50 lbs is AMAZING!! You can do it!

    Thank you , thank, thank you, I need this encouragement so badd!!!!
  • I haven't had a c-section but have have 2 abdominal surgeries. I too, have the excess bulge that hangs over the scars. I have never gotten rid of it completely but when I get to a good weight it is much better. It helps when you are younger, I am in my early 60's.:happy:
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    The tummy IS the last place to go after a c-section! And it sucks! I too would like to see a flat tummy "after" pic! I guess the reason it's so hard to get rid of that flabby (I call it my "apron of fat") is because of the scar tissue. At least this is how my doctor explained it to me. She said that before the c-section any fat on your body would disperse throughout your abdomen because gravity would just pull everything evenly. Now it gets stuck on the scar tissue and has nowhere to go so it sort of builds up on top of it and hangs there. It's really not fair!
    Is your whole tummy numb or just along the scar line? I've had two c-sections and my first one was fine--it's the second one that caused the numbness.
    Congrats on the 50 lb weight loss! That's inspiring!

    Yes its just numb right by the scar, so I guess thats not too bad of a thing huh? Oh so that makes sence what your doc said, and that bites :sad: They need to come out with an After C-Section DVD lol
  • I don't have numbness, right after the c-section but within three weeks i could feel it again, I have the "extra" fat. But i've been doing yoga and A LOT of sit ups and it's going down a lot. I've had two c-sections, I wish i knew about the numbness you talk about so i could give advice on the matter but i don't know. As for "the flap" I do a ton of lower abs and planks to help with that. But really you should understand it's going to be the last thing that goes and your going to have to work that hardest on. Hope that helps not bad news but not good either.
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    Ive had 2 c-sections...my first was 13 yrs ago, my second child was normal delivery and my 3rd was c-section too (3yrs ago)...yes, that numbness will never go away and im afraid my kangaroo pouch wont either...im totally fed up and im scheduled to have a tummy tuck this year around november but i have to loose at least 40 more lbs....believe me that im working my butt off for that moment but i plan on doing it by excersicing and adopting a healthier eating habit....:bigsmile:
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