Would love motivation!

Hi all,

I have been on here for about six months or so. I am trying really hard to loose my last 25-30lbs. Some days are easier than others.
Lately I have been a bit discouraged since the weight (and some days my motivation) are really stuck!

My hope is to connect with some other people on here and be able to motivate one another!

Good luck to everyone! :)


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! You know what it takes, and can buckle down and get thru the rest! GOOD LUCK!
  • lisacarole
    Congratulations on your progress. You can see the finish line from here - I'm so happy for you.
    A friend of mine always uses this saying, and I love it . . . It's like eating the elephant . . . one bite at a time.
    The same goes for weight loss . . . one pound at a time. Celebrate each pound - do something special for yourself each time you see one tick off the scales. All the best and GOOD LUCK!!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    You're doing great!! I'll send ya a friend request- you're not in this alone. That is one of the great things I love about MFP!

    Stay positive, keep tracking and moving, you're so close!!
  • SWgal
    SWgal Posts: 62
    Thanks! I knew I had to change eating and exercise habits...but was forgetting all about asking for support! Thanks so much and good luck to you all. :)