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Feb 14 = Singles Awareness Day.

Ugh. Another Valentines Day. I know that I am young (only 22) and have plenty of time to find the right guy for me, but I feel like Im in such a race against time because most of my friends are dating, engaged, married, having children already.
Even on Valentines Days where I was dating someone it was always such a bad day. The only good Valentines Day I remember was in like 7th grade when Billy surprised me with a bouquet of flowers at school. Now I know why my exboyfriends are exs haha. They couldn't even live up to a 7th grader on Valentines Day.
Anyone else single and resenting Valentines Day?


  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    lol :) "They couldn't even live up to a 7th grader on Valentines Day." This made me laugh :) thanks!
  • I don't resent Valentine's Day... but just wanted to point out that you are VERY young! I'm 31 and single... just enjoy life and being single. The right one will come along when it's time and have fun with all the wrong ones in the meantime. :wink:
  • Resenting? Maybe the slightest little bit ;) But I'm going to go to the gym, push it hard, and focus on how much I love myself first :)
    Your 7th grade boyfriend sounds like an absolute doll lol.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Hey, it isn't that great for us non-single people either...

    My boyfriend texted me "Happy VD! Will you be my valentine and/or ride to work?"

    So romantic.....
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member
    I am not single (just a truthful disclaimer >w<;) but I feel a certain special resentment towards V-day because of all the CANDIES! February comes around and all the candy makes suddenly start making all these ridiculous fancy chocolates that are NEVER out any other time of the year! It's soo frustrating, everything just looks 10x better than the usual chocolate (which is already tempting enough xD)!!!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Hey, cool, another 20-something who feels disappointed that all the men she's met can't live up to a 7-year old. I *knew* I should have stuck with the one I "married" in grade 1. :grumble:

    My friends are all getting married and having babies too... I'm sick of being the 3rd/5th/7th wheel. I used to try and pretend that I'm happy being single (after all, who wants to wait an hour for dinner at an overcrowded, overpriced restaurant?), but really, I'm not happy about it... I'm thinking my plan for tonight is to have a nice dinner (along with wine--for two, probably), and hope that the resentment wears off with my workout tomorrow.

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    facebook was full of singles resenting the day so I put the following as my status...its been liked and copied multiple times now

    I've seen some statuses moaning about being single on Valentines day...I say look on the bright side.

    1, No "other half" to be disappointed in.
    2, The Duvet is all yours
    3, You choose what channel you want to flick to
    4, Cheaper
    5, The chocolates you buy will be yours...all yours!


    Now ok, maybe the chocolates are off the menu but do look on the bright side of being single.
  • I had a boyfriend that was so cheap that for two years in a row he would pick a fight before Valentine's so he wouldn't have to buy me a gift. LOL!!!!!!!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I used to be just like you, HATED Valentine's Day. But always found some friends to despise it with me ;). Now I'm happily married and like Valentine's Day, but still feel for all of those who despise it! Enjoy life and yourself, you'll be there someday too and you'll appreciate it all the more! :) Happy Valentine's Day!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    It's just a Halmark Day.
    The people who love you and you love as well are there every day telling you they love you. Maybe not in exact words but they do!
    Who needs a 100.00 dozen roses. I'd rather get that ride from someone who loves me!
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    I also feel a little (ok, very) resentful today. But my plan is to turn all the negative emotion into something positive by working out extra hard today. Afterward, I'm hoping I'll be too tired to feel resentful =)
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    Nothing says "I love you" like being forced to buy gifts.

    If you really love someone you'll love them all year round. Not on one special day because the retail industry and silly superstitions tell you to do so.

    (Yes, I am single... but I do believe this.)
  • Hey, it isn't that great for us non-single people either...

    My boyfriend texted me "Happy VD! Will you be my valentine and/or ride to work?"

    So romantic.....

    Oh wow that is too funny. How romantic. Clever though!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I have a boyfriend.. however, me and my friend are always each others valentines for the day! haha We get something small and cute for each other. You don't need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to fall into the commercialized holiday..because really, that's what it is these days.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Ugh. Another Valentines Day. I know that I am young (only 22) and have plenty of time to find the right guy for me, but I feel like Im in such a race against time because most of my friends are dating, engaged, married, having children already.

    Holy cow - I have no idea where you are from, but where I'm from in VA, no one my age is already married or having children. Don't worry, slow down :)
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    You know what guys? No rush. It's more important that it's right than that it's soon. I didn't get married until I was 37 (after a long period of dating my future wife), and just had our first baby 6 days after my 40th birthday. No regrets. Just do what's right for you. The sad fact is, you might be 22 and surrounded with all your happy married friends, but there's a good chance quite a few of them will be divorced inside 20 years and they'll be back in the same boat wondering why they can't find the right guy.

    Valentine's Day is just another day. If you don't have a boyfriend, just go have a good time with a good friend and commiserate over an ice cold beer or a glass of wine. :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    There is an empty feeling with it being single (not as much as at Christmas though) but still hope that many couples can find some happy moments in the day and maybe someday will be able to as well.

    hopelessly idealistic aka stupid. handface.gif
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Nah I don't hate it. I bought my own flowers, and a teensy bar of chocolate and will make a healthy dinner tonight for my two daughters and myself.

    Expectation is killer, and truthfully, no one can love you as well as you love yourself.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    Single at 38 and LOVING it, as one poster said...you don't have to share the bed, remote or bathroom!. I don't mind Valentines much as it is my sister's b'day so we always kinda skipped Valenties in favour of a birthday party.
  • I'm not fussed about not getting gay crap covered in lovehearts, who needs it? But I get a little twinge about people going to nice restaurants and home for *an early night* that part I would enjoy :grumble: