New to the site, but not to losing

Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
Hi, I am new to this web site, but not new to losing weight. I have already lost most of what I need to lose and I am here for the last 14 pounds. I know it will probably be the hardest part (besides starting the journey), but after losing 130, I think I am up for the challenge. Good Luck to everyone just starting and congratulations to those that have been working at living healthier.


  • ebonybliss
    That is amazing! Good luck with your last 14 lbs. I hope it comes off easily for you!!!!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    WOW, you look fabulous !!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Wow 130 lbs lost is awesome! Keep up teh good work and I'm sure teh last 14 will come off as well!.
  • BenJoeM
    Becareful when the scale is your only measure. I would recommend getting a body analysis done. Your local gym or doctor can do this for you. See what percentage of body fat you have lost. I had one done 2 months ago and was worried I wasn't losing weight. I had one done last week and I have lost 6.5% body fat but had gained nearly 6lbs in muscle. That was why I hadn't seen any changes

    The secret to the food diary is this:

    1. BE HONEST!

    Then review and make changes. Also, just because it says you have earned an extra 600 calories doesn't mean you get to use them. Stick to your calorie goal and don't go over just because you worked out.

    Good luck and WELCOME!
  • brewboy72
    brewboy72 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow Keep it up!!
  • EllyK09
    Care to share your secret???? That's fantastic. Best of luck losing those last few and I hope you find the support you need here!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    welcome to the site and congrats on your weight loss. im here for that last 15 pounds as well. the tools are great and the people here are encouraging and inspirational. I have lost 7 pounds in 7 weeks on here and I dont think i wouldve without the support of great people. good luck.
  • Mima904
    I've been doing this for two months now. I really haven't lost anything. I yo-yo and Iknow my problem is exercising. I have knee problems, so I can't do alot, like the stairmaster or eliptical. i can't walk that far before my knee gives out. I'm sticking to my calories, but I'm getting frustrated becasue I'm not loosing. It keeps telling me I should loose a pound a week, but I'm not. any suggestions out there.:sad: