I would love suggestions on fitness dvds that people have used and think are top of the line for weight loss and toning. I am currently doing 40 min circuit training 5 days a week, and have def noticed muscle tone, I would love to see some weight loss as well. I have bought my fair share of fitness dvds and they usually end up on the shelf after awhile b/c I get discouraged. I know it takes time, I just want to make sure I am purchasing one that hopefully give me the results I want and need. Suggestions would be great! Thanks


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Jillian Michaels : banish fat boost metabolism
    Jillian Michaels : 30 day shred
    Jillian Michaels: no more trouble zones
    Jillian Michaels: 6 week 6 pack
  • AmandaJuneMorton
    I have pesonally used Jackie Warner's workout DVD's with great success as well as Insanity and Turbo Fire from Beach Body. The Jackie Warner Dvd's are great for toning and the Insanity and the Turbo Fire workouts are great for cardio. They are also a lot of fun and keep me motivated.
  • scheys76
    scheys76 Posts: 92 Member
    A couple years ago I had success with the Power 90 system, which was the precursor to P90X. I'll be starting it up again once an injury I have heals up.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have pesonally used Jackie Warner's workout DVD's with great success as well as Insanity and Turbo Fire from Beach Body. The Jackie Warner Dvd's are great for toning and the Insanity and the Turbo Fire workouts are great for cardio. They are also a lot of fun and keep me motivated.

    DITTO on the Turbo it but it's pricey. The Jillian Michaels are great if you are on a budget.
  • cathypelissier
    cathypelissier Posts: 3 Member
    30 day Shred works well. It is 9 bucks, 20 min's and I found that it made my mommy bits go away and I lost weight. The down side is that it can get boring after a while.
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    The Firm workout!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    not a dvd...but check out CrossFit...
    really nothing better. seriously.
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you all. =) I am looking into all of them. I hope to find the one that finally works for me! Thanks again
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Personally I don't believe "one" DVD is the miracle cure simply because your muscles adjusts to it over time and stop responding. That's usually when you hit a plateau.

    My belief is this - if you know you prefer to work out at home (I know I do!) then invest in a library of assorted DVD's and mix it up with a wide variety such as kickboxing, circuit training, bootcamp, interval training, high intensity training, low impact, high impact, step, gym style strength resistance training, vinyasa yoga ... whatever appeals (or you think might appeal) to you. Some of what you purchase you may only ever use every now and again. But I find you usually end up using everything many times over time.

    Some brand names that come to mind are:
    The Firm (bootcamp, circuit training, resistance training)
    Cathe Friedrich (everything imaginable - she sells physical DVD's and downloadable DVDs)
    Jillian Michaels (from Biggest Loser show) (bootcamp, circuit training)
    Turbo Jam (kickboxing, bootcamp, lots of ab work)
    PX90 (everything imaginable)
    Bob Harper (from Biggest Loser show) (bootcamp)
    Karen Voight (yoga, circuit training, resistance training, step)
    The Look (bootcamp)
    the Method (cardio & weights)
    Jari Love (bootcamp, interval training, resistance training)
    Jacki Warner (power circuit training)
    Rodney Yee (yoga)
    Les Leventhal (yoga)
    Terileigh Schmidt (free audio yoga podcasts on iTunes) (free 20 minute podcasts on iTunes - 30, 45, 60 & 75 minutes you have to buy online)

    These are just a few to get you started.

    Personally, I own three quarters of the Cathe Friedrich collection (am a big fan of her methods), all of the videos, some of Les Leventhal's, most of Rodney Yee and the Look, and all of Turbo Jam DVDs. Consequently I am never bored with my workouts. And if for some strange reason I find I am, I go for a walk in the hood, take a hike in the woods, cycle on the trails, or take my workout to the kiddies playground - basically take my routine outdoors. Variety truly is the key to a happy life.

    Hope this helps :-)