Working out while sick

So I woke up with a killer cold today and was troubled with the idea of whether or not I should work out. My nose is running, my throat is sore, etc. Generic cold symptoms. I'm really feeling as though I shouldn't work out, but I feel sort of guilty about it. I've been chugging water all day and drinking OJ at each meal. What do you guys think about working out while sick?


  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I've always been told that if the cold is all in your head, it's ok to work out. But if it's in your chest you should take it easy.

    That said, I ran two miles on Saturday morning and did my Firm DVD today with a pretty nasty head cold and I'm none the worse for it!
  • iheartmemories
    I've never had problems with working out while sick. Just as long as I wasn't running a fever. Get better soon!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Never ever ever ever ever ever.... ever work out when you're body isn't in good condition. Let it recover completely. Well that is my philosophy and what I've read on the natural bodybuilding forum :D
    Always remember, while exercise is a great addition to your weight loss effort, diet is the main one.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I think it just depend on how you feel. I had a cold all last week. One day when I tried to work-out my body just flat-out refused. I was ok after a couple days but I seriously couldn't have done a thing prior to that.
  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    I say listen to your body. It will have the best answer. Better than any of us here. I know I was sick last week and as much as I wanted to workout, I couldn't. My body was physically exhausted. I tried. It wasn't happening. I'm no worse for not doing it. I also didn't feel like eating as much that week so it worked out. I didn't need the extra calories burned to make up for the extra calorie consumption. I felt guilty the first day. Especially after I only made it like 5 minutes on the elliptical. But in the end I was glad I listened to my body and began working out again when my body said I was ready. Just don't use being sick as an excuse. We can all find it far too easy to find excuses. Be true to yourself...