Kettle Bells

I bought a new exercise video this weekend that uses a Kettle Bell. I'm not sure how to record this in my exercise log. Would it go under Strength or under Cardio? The video is kind of a comibnation of both and I can tell you that my heart rate was definately up there. Any suggestions?


  • knelson422
    Probably circuit training which is under cardio. I saw that advertised on TV, it looked like a great system. Good for you!!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Love my kettlebell!!! I'd use the weight lifting under cardio....
  • MarcGordon
    MarcGordon Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there,
    My favorite tool! The kettlebell!

    It depends on which exersizes you do.

    Snatches, swings, Clean and jerk, thurster, row, russian twist, renegade rows
    are a few of the ones I make my classes do every week.

    I am in New Zealand so I doubt you're anywhere near my gym but look them up on you tube and ask a trainer at your local gym for technique points.

    At the very least you should be doing swings and snatches.

    Take a look at that link , aparently a properly executed snatch is soposed to burn 20kcals a min.

    To answear your quesion it is both strength an cardio.
    In terms of how my fitnesspal logs calories it doesnt really have a clue.

    I would enter it as 20 kcals per min if you can really push HARD. If not so hard maybe 15 to call it safe.
    Only counting actual work time, not rest time. Use a stop watch to calculate total time snatching.
    Even at 15 x 10 mins of snatches thats 150 kcals in 10 mins and at the high end 200 kcals burn in 10 mins.

    Cant really compare that to anything. Exept "real" circuit training

    I tell my guys not to bother logging strength stuff if they do Circuits/Kettlebells/CrossFit.

    Unless you would like a reccord of when you exersize pure resistance training.

    For awesome results go take a look at your local Crossfit!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    i enter it as cardio.

    but i found a formula to calculate the calories burned.
    something like so much of your weight in kg times the METS which i remember being 6.5

    awesome help there, i know. lol.
  • Vick_MN
    Thanks everybody, this helped. I really enjoyed the workout as it was a good change from my old routine. I think I'll really see results as I stick with it.