
hey there everyone! I've bren thinking alot about my weight loss journey lately and how stuck I am. I do so well during the day, but once it gets dark, I can't control myself. for example, I ate my 1200 planned calories, then proceeded to eat lots of tortilla chips, a chocolate doughnut, a few candies, and a bowl of cereal. I haven't logged it, but I probably went over my calories for the millionth time.

I was just hoping to make a few more friends who may have gone through similar problems and can share tips. or even people still going through this so we can help each other.


  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I don't know how late you usually stay up till, but I will generally eat dinner around 7/730, I eat slow, I have a light snack at 10 ish and then go to bed around 11/1130. I will usually drink a bottle of water with dinner. It usually holds me over till bedtime. They also make dessert gums that are good and only 5 calories a piece.
  • Kristyb1010
    I've been having the same problem! I posted on it last week & found a few others who were feeling the same way. There were also a few people who had a lot to say about the subject. Feel free to friend me & we can support each other!

    hey there everyone! I've bren thinking alot about my weight loss journey lately and how stuck I am. I do so well during the day, but once it gets dark, I can't control myself. for example, I ate my 1200 planned calories, then proceeded to eat lots of tortilla chips, a chocolate doughnut, a few candies, and a bowl of cereal. I haven't logged it, but I probably went over my calories for the millionth time.

    I was just hoping to make a few more friends who may have gone through similar problems and can share tips. or even people still going through this so we can help each other.
  • Suzannabanana
    I have the same problem, eating at night. My family, husband and 2 teens, munch in the evenings and I have to join in. The only thing that helps is if I cut up fruit like cantelope or watermelon and have it ready to eat. I can then grab that instead of the popcorn! Alot of the time my kids prefer to eat the fruit with me since they are happy to share what has been prepared, teens being essentially lazy. Good Luck!:happy:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    are these foods in your home? if so, they shouldn't be--no one in your home needs these foods this bad. If you want it bad enough, you can commit and succeed----just want it bad enough.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    it doesn't sound like you are exercising at all if you only have 1200 calories... so i would start exercising.
    if you eat better foods, your cravings should disappear, at least that's what's been happening to me and i'm a night owl also. now that i've been eating less carbs, the urge to 'munch' is gone.
  • Constance14
    I get like that often! But I just start to think about how I will feel the next day if I overeat and it's not a pleasant feeling for me because then it's like giving yourself the "ok" to eat the next day whatever you want and start dieting again the next...I dislike being in that sort of position so what works for me is staying away from the kitchen, drinking water which eventually fills me up and listening to music always pulls me back from grabbing that chocolate chip cookie! It really motivates me to feel good about myself and since my heart feels full I don't feel that hungry;) You can do it, sometimes hunger is just all in your head..