New mom who is new here

edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello I'm new here. I'm a first time mom to a one year old and have been having a lot of trouble losing the pregnancy weight. I weighed 103 when I got pregnant and now after a year I'm still stuck at around 167 and I don't have a very good home support system so any encouragement would be very helpful.


  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    Welcome to the site, ask questions there is alot of people here to support and help you !!
  • Hello hello hello!!!! Today is my first day as well. I am a mother of three and over the years, having kids, I have gained over 100 pounds. I am hoping that this site helps me to get back to who I used to be!!! Maybe we can encourage each other!!!
  • Been here five days feel free to add me as a friend.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Lots of support here for you, this site is great with tons of people to root you on, you can add me if you would like.
  • Hello! Here's the place to be for support! If you put your mind to it, you can do it. Keep track of your calories and find and exercise and a time to do it that fits for you. GOOD LUCK! :-D

    P.S. Also a mom of 3 babies.... 4yrs, 2.5yrs, and 3 months
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Hi and welcome. I'm the mom of a 2 year old trying to lose 80+ pounds so I can do the baby thing all over again next year (I hope). Feel free to add me.
  • xJustynax
    xJustynax Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! I also joined a couple of days ago. I'm a mom of 2 girls....4yrs and 7 weeks. Feel free to add me to your list. Good luck!
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hello there!!! Welcome aboard! Good luck on your new journey...we are all here for support!
  • Welcome, good luck to you. :)
  • Hello, I just joined two days ago. A friend told me about this site so I'm hoping to lose a few lbs. Im a mom of three, a three year daughter and seven months twin boys. If you would like to add me feel free! Good luck!!
  • Hi, I just joined too! I'm also a mom of a 14 month old and am looking to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight or lower!! Feel free to add me as a friend... And good luck!
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