Help with my new shopping list

Hi , I have been using this site for a couple of years now and I can't seem to lose those last few kilos. So my new plan of action is to try more unprocessed natural super foods and any advice on substitutes would be much appreciated.

So here goes

Advocado instead of butter on toast or maybe olive oil?
70 % cocoa choclate ( I can't live without chocolate so I'm thinking 4 squares a night?)
snacks raw almonds, fruit and vege juice
No more ham, less meat, more chicken fish and eggs
green or herbal tea with no sugar or milk
Is honey ok to put on porridge?

So any clean eaters out there with advice, thanks again.


  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    mashed avocado is good, but also are bean spreads. as far as butter goes,i don't know if you mean real butter or if you mean margarine. real butter, in small amounts is fine, but best to get unsalted or lightly salted, if there is such a thing. also fruit butters like apple butter, pumpkin butter, etc. those are great when made from home. the thing that i think gets us hung up is all the extra additives and preservatives, and all this stuff is pretty easy to make from home.

    i like to snack on popcorn, or seasonal fruit or veggies with yogurt or hummus.

    and i personally never ever put cream or sugar in my tea... never. :) seems gross to me.

    you seem to be on the right track.
  • kOiFiSh_KiMmY
    Hi , I have been using this site for a couple of years now and I can't seem to lose those last few kilos. So my new plan of action is to try more unprocessed natural super foods and any advice on substitutes would be much appreciated.

    So here goes

    Advocado instead of butter on toast or maybe olive oil?
    70 % cocoa choclate ( I can't live without chocolate so I'm thinking 4 squares a night?)
    snacks raw almonds, fruit and vege juice
    No more ham, less meat, more chicken fish and eggs
    green or herbal tea with no sugar or milk
    Is honey ok to put on porridge?

    So any clean eaters out there with advice, thanks again.

    Since avocado is higher in calories than butter (depending on the brand anyway), and some butters are higher in both cholestoral (misspell) and calories...Olive Oil is better (but look for an Olive Oil that has VERY low of both cholestoral and calories)

    The cocao chocolate is the best chocolate..It has antioxidants, but I don't know much about it's calorie/fat content. Sorry. :(

    Almonds are GREAT. But some fruit contain higher doses of fructose (fruit sugar) than others (So I guess you can pick which one you can eat.) And veggies are good!

    Yes, Chicken (boiled or baked...not fried) and eggs (boiled or over easy...not fried) is high in protein.

    Oh yes yes..Green tea is good! Drinking by itself is even better. :)

    Honey (better than sugar) is good for porridge..But dont put a whole lot as you know.

    So far, it seems you are doing really good. :D

    Honestly, I go over my sugar and sodium sometimes (I'm trying to gain the healthy way), but for the most part I do eat fairly "clean".
    Except I had a sundae and a Wendy's burger today. o_O
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    here's what's on my main list on groceries:

    almonds (Blue Diamond brand)
    Yoplait Light Fat Free
    egg beaters
    healthy popcorn
    (sometimes) vegi chips
    fat free milk (but I like Almond Milk better)
    salsa (low cal)

    things I've kicked out of my life:
    white rice
    regular pasta
    regular soda
    packaged foods
    regular chips
    soups (high in sodium)

    Limit yourself to:
    sour cream

    you can still eat what you do, just eat less of it. If I want a hamburger, I eat it....and exercise it off.
    cream cheese
  • mfergie889
    Instead of avocado, try edamame hummus. I love avocado too, but this is a really tasty option also.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Try tahini on toast - better for you than peanut butter and got to be tastier than olive oil!!

    Remember everything is good in moderation, and you don't HAVE to change ALL these things. Everyone hits a plateau, maybe shake up the exercise regime instead? Change is good!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help, I will definately be doing the popcorn and I will try tahini or bean spreads if the olive oil tastes yuk. :flowerforyou:
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member

    I have stopped using any type of "sugar" on my porridge by adding blueberries and raspberries ( I use frozen ones then I can get them year round). Believe me I have a sweet tooth and it works!!

    Good luck

    Mandy xx