30 day shred started today!! 14th february valentines day



  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    Are you all doing the shred as well as going to the gym? I'd like to try it, but I don't want to break my gym habit.
  • I started yesterday...but close enough. :-) I have done it a few times before...but I always lose motivation. I need someone to keep me on track! I have about 30 days until my vacation in Mexico...I need to fit in my swimsuit!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    I started yesterday...but close enough. :-) I have done it a few times before...but I always lose motivation. I need someone to keep me on track! I have about 30 days until my vacation in Mexico...I need to fit in my swimsuit!

    YOU CAN DO THIS! If you o think how fabulous you will look in Mexico!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    Are you all doing the shred as well as going to the gym? I'd like to try it, but I don't want to break my gym habit.

    Just the shred plus regular walking and one pilates class each week!
  • Thanks! That's what I need to hear to keep me motivated!
  • I've been doing the shred for a few weeks now. I don't do it everyday, I mix it up with a Billy Blanks DVD and walking (I've also been bad and missed a few days!). I'm still doing level 1 right now but I really like the DVD. I have started to mute JM's voice though lol, I just feel like I've heard what she's saying tooooo many times and it's getting annoying.
  • hojo24
    hojo24 Posts: 3 Member
    My wife and I are in. We are starting the shred today and it always helps having people to help keep you motivated. I hope I don't end up looking like the girl on the video.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I started yesterday. I hope to keep up with this group. I can't wait to hear about and see everyone's results! Take a before pic!!!
  • I started today also. I did 30 mins of walking on the treadmill...then the shred, and ended with 30 mins on the spin bike. I did the level 1 shred today, can not wait to see how I feel tomorrow...Burn Baby Burn!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    count me in! i've been slacking and could really use a thread like this to check in to.

    when i first did the shred last june/july, i was committed to doing it 5 days a week. it was brutal on my knees. brutal as in motrin and ice. finally about 6 days into level 2 i stopped. later when i went back to it i'd switch up the cardio to keep it low impact. this time, i don't think i'll be so hardcore. but i definitely could use it to jumpstart my motivation again. i'll probably substitute some days with 20 minutes of non-shred circuits. and i'll follow the shred with a 1 mile run, just to get in a little extra cardio.
  • I have been tinkering around with the MFP app... so this is new to me. I did order the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (and a few other DVD's of hers) the other day so I'm just waiting for them to come in. I also started the C25K yesterday. I have been working on my weigh off and on for a while now and felt the need to kick it up a level. Looking for some good motivation to rocket me towards the summer!
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    I finished L1D2 today and I am seriously feeling it. I did it during my lunch break and was sore for the rest of the afternoon. I think doing it tomorrow night will be a lot better for me and my schedule.
  • *whew* I FINALLY got my workout in today. I swear my kids don't sleep! I had no time to work out all day today. I got a sit-up workout in this morning while they were eating breakfast...but it was very distracting. I hate having to workout at night because I'd like to spend that time with my husband. (if I can get him to workout with me, that'd be awesome....but alas he won't)

    I took a before picture with my cell phone today and sent it to my friend I'm going to Mexico with in a month. I told her it's my motivation to make sure I workout daily. I wont' share that pic with people unless I get all buff and have an awesome after pic to share as well. :-)
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    I started yesterday. I hope to keep up with this group. I can't wait to hear about and see everyone's results! Take a before pic!!!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    count me in! i've been slacking and could really use a thread like this to check in to.

    when i first did the shred last june/july, i was committed to doing it 5 days a week. it was brutal on my knees. brutal as in motrin and ice. finally about 6 days into level 2 i stopped. later when i went back to it i'd switch up the cardio to keep it low impact. this time, i don't think i'll be so hardcore. but i definitely could use it to jumpstart my motivation again. i'll probably substitute some days with 20 minutes of non-shred circuits. and i'll follow the shred with a 1 mile run, just to get in a little extra cardio.

    Brilliant start today!
  • sarah13f
    sarah13f Posts: 23 Member
    *whew* I FINALLY got my workout in today. I swear my kids don't sleep! I had no time to work out all day today. I got a sit-up workout in this morning while they were eating breakfast...but it was very distracting. I hate having to workout at night because I'd like to spend that time with my husband. (if I can get him to workout with me, that'd be awesome....but alas he won't)

    I took a before picture with my cell phone today and sent it to my friend I'm going to Mexico with in a month. I told her it's my motivation to make sure I workout daily. I wont' share that pic with people unless I get all buff and have an awesome after pic to share as well. :-)

    Look forward to seeing your final pics then!! We can all do this!
  • I did the first workout yesterday (Feb.14) and by the evening, my thighs were starting to get sore. I took Advil when I went to bed last night as I could feel myself stiffening up. I am so sore this morning - from my shoulders to my knees!!! LOL - I will get back to it this morning though. How does everyone else feel today?
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm a day late but I'm in. I finished my first round of the shred last week and I'm ready for round 2! I am going to increase my weights to 5 lbs and try to follow Natalie. : )

    Happy Shredding!
  • 21by21
    21by21 Posts: 12
    I finished D3L1 today and it has gotten wayyyyy easier than the first two days. I manged to do a lot more regular push ups than i usually do and I only had to stop one other time. It was during the side lunges which didn't make me want to cry nearly as much today as they usually do .
  • My second day was much easier than the first but I also didn't burn as many calories. I am still sore and stiff but doing it again helped.
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