LizzyRoome Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I have been seriously into dieting and getting somewhat fit since New Year - so far so good, I've stuck to it right into February, and plan to carry on in the same vein ! My husband gave me a Wii Fitness for Xmas, and when I weighed in on that, I had to face the fact that I was into the "obese" weight range for my height and age. I was also getting far too little exercise. That was the wake-up call I needed. I'm 63 now, and the only way I can be reasonable sure of emulating my mother and grandmother and living healthily into my 80s or 90s will be by reducing my weight to the "healthy" range, and staying reasonably fit. I have no desire to end up as a fat, old lady with little or no mobility !!!!


  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Welcome! You will find the support you are looking for to keep motivation up. We are glad to have you here. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other.

    BTW . . . I got a Wii fit for Christmas too and I absolutely love it! I am going to do a little Wii fit Yoga right now.

    Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Welcome!! So glad you are here. This is an excellent tool in conjunction with exercise and all that other fun stuff. And that's my goal, to become healthy to live a healthy long life. You can do this and will do this! [=
  • HI all,

    I am new to the site as of today. I'm Shelley by the way. I lost 35 lbs a year ago and recently quit smoking and have gained 20lb back. So, here I go again! It is daunting to have to start the journey over again but at least I can breathe when I work out now. I look forward to losing with you and hearing your progress and hopefully sharing mine.
  • Thank you. I really like this site !!!!!
  • Thank you, I'd love to have you as a friend. We need all the help and encouragement we can get when it comes to keeping the pounds off !!!!!
  • Thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement !
  • I'm a newbie, too!

    Like someone above, I also recently quit smoking. I did notice I put on some additional weight after I quit smoking, which I am not happy about (and I was overweight do the math).

    I know I can do this and you can, too. :-)
  • Yes, Shelley, it will be great to be there for each other by way of encouragement on this road to a healthier life-style. And Congratulations on giving up smoking. That is a very hard thing to do, I am told. Fortunately, I never started. My cousin, who is a heavy smoker, despite watching her father (my Mom's brother) die of Emphysema, has just recently had a stroke. Not smoking is such a huge step in the direction of good health - so good on yer !!!!!!
  • cesa1987
    cesa1987 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone
    I am new to this & just found this site a few weeks ago.
    I just started one week ago tomorrow with following the recommendations & working out every day.
    I weighted myself, & I have not lost anything in a week !
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could be doing wrong ?
    Please help !
  • Hi Cesa1987,

    I have been on that track many times. You work out so hard and the scale doesn't move. What is probably happening is that you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Muscle weights more. The thing it took me along time to overcome was the dreaded scale and how easy it is to just focus on the number. I have come to the conclusion that it is just a number. If you are working out and eating healthy then you are on the right track. Do your clothes feel more comfortable?

    Don't lose faith! It will happen. We will do it together.
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