Needing some encouragement...

So I'm finding myself in a lull... I've been trying to shake things up at the gym, but I just don't want to go for some reason this week. I had 2 birthday parties this past weekend, plus an amazing dinner out on the town last night for V-day. I was very good about watching my calories... but am feeling kind of bummed out.

Any words of encouragement? What's a good way to get over this and keep on track?


  • keepitoff99
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sending lots of encouragement your way.
    My weekend/week started out like that - I've actually had a really bad last week or so. I find I go through times like this and I just try to do as minimal damage as I can and pick back up and go on.
    Birthday parties and valentines all at once can be hard. Good you are watching your calories, that's a great thing to keep that up. Take a break from the gym if you need to and when you feel up to it, start again. Do something else that you feel more like doing for a couple days.....take the stairs instead of elevator kind of thing.....
    Keep it up - we hear ya!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    You may be temporarily motivated by our words of encouragement but in the end you've got to self-motivate. Our words and accountability are only last a short time after you log out but you are always there. That being said, here are my words of encouragement for you: reach way down inside yourself, think about why you want to do this, find what will motivate you and you will do this!!! Good luck!
  • ZoesMom1
  • mbrook04
    Just do it. In order to get the energy and motivation up you need to work out. Do you have a goal your shooting for? If not set one, and put in daily steps. i.e. Monday half an hour of cardio and light arm work out. You can do it.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    You may be temporarily motivated by our words of encouragement but in the end you've got to self-motivate. Our words and accountability are only last a short time after you log out but you are always there. That being said, here are my words of encouragement for you: reach way down inside yourself, think about why you want to do this, find what will motivate you and you will do this!!! Good luck!

    I agree. I find that success is a powerful motivator. Think about all of your accomplishments and successes: the weight you've lost, how different you feel from exercising and eating right, how your clothes fit better, how it's easier to go up stairs, etc. Make a list and keep track of the ways you have improved upon yourself. When I look at how far I've come, I find that it helps motivate me to get to my goals quicker.

    Also, set some small, attainable goals for yourself. It may motivate you if you are working towards something and you will feel good when you achieve it. It could be something like "I'm going to work out 5 days this week," or "I'm going to lose 5 pounds by (insert date)."
  • bekkyhughes
    Have you thought about going swimming? I always find it relaxing.
  • britshiv9
    Fight the humm-drumms. You are in control of your thoughts don't let them control you. :bigsmile:
  • irisbear
    Do something you enjoy - take a class you have been wanting to try, go for a walk or play with the kids, dogs, etc. (outside) - the sunshine has been really helping me lately. Nothing wrong with taking a day off if you need a break, but don't take too much time or it will be extra hard next week. For once, I actually started slow this time and it has made a huge difference (I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of girl) I have recently taken up Zumba and it is so fun, I actually look forward to "working out" now. I have a lot to lose, so I am also mixing it up with swimming (low impact) so I don't hurt myself. Also, if you have friends that will work out with you or if you could meet a "buddy" at the gym, it makes a big difference too - there is a lot to be said for accountability. I know I am rambling, but I hope this was helpful.
  • bmayes
    bmayes Posts: 55
    I feel this way sometimes and agree with one of the respondents that self motivation is definitely the key! Don't get yourself down about a few days. You SHOULD be able to enjoy a few days without constantly thinking of calorie counts, and then just get right back at it - moderation is the key. My suggestion as far as exercise is to try something new like skating, find a local zumba class, a dance class, rock climbing, boxing, a fun DVD, play basketball, a hiking trail - mix it up and have fun while your are exercising so that it doesn't seem like such a chore. Hope this helps!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    the biggest motivation I have found for working out IS because I want to eat normally throughout the day and not feel like I am missing out because I want to lose weight.

    i'm maintaining now, but when I was going through the loss stage I never could have had fun going out to dinner, or enjoying a party or entertaining if I was eating 1200 calories a day. It was really essential for me to have that extra 4-500 calories burned from exercise to make the math work so I could have a life and lose weight too. I never liked working out, and originally did not think I would more than a few times a week when I first signed up w/MFP. But when I saw the limited amount I could eat on calories w/out exercise I learned really quickly to exercise every day.

    Try to make it easy for yourself to exercise. I have an elliptical, and have been trying to mix it up w/exercise and yoga dvd's, and bought myself a few other things for home: exercise ball, small weights, jump rope. It just takes a little imagination to work up a routine you can live with. It's easier to get it done at home than to motivate yourself to go to a gym.

    The other thought is just not to beat yourself up too much when you do enjoy things like a night out and valentines day--just hop back on the plan the next day. You may be surprised that after a week, your good days and bad days will even out to an on-plan week.

    good luck!!