Insanity = plateau

Okay, So I've been doing insanity for 6 weeks now, and I'm really enjoying it. My only problem is since starting it I have hit a plateau that I cannot shake. I have increased calories, decreased calories, increased water intake, everything I can think of to bump myself off this, and its not working. I understand that I am probably building muscle, and I'm okay with that, however the only thing that gets me is eventually I should be either gaining weight, due to increased muscle mass, or losing weight, due to fat loss? No?

I am really just wondering if anyone thinks taking maybe a week long break from insanity, and maybe increase my cardio would prove to be helpful in breaking my plateau, or if doing do would only break my plateau because of muscle mass lost?


  • kirstindr
    From the math could be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time...which would result in your weight staying the same, if it was at the right ratio.

    I haven't lost a pound in 3 weeks, haven't gained either....unfortunately I didn't take measurements, but I plan on measuring today to see if I lose any size.
  • liveskinny
    you could be staying the same because your turning fat into muscle, which would maintain your weight, but still be decreasing the amount of fat & also cause you to lose inches. have you taken your measurments?
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    Change up your exercising routine a bit, your body gets used to the same thing and thats where you plateau.
    Good Luck!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I started a fitness boot camp and was SOO excited because I thought "wow, I'm really gonna lose weight." Almost a month into it, I am stuck at a plateau haven't lost or gained. Before I was doing this, I was losing like crazy :indifferent:
    I feel your pain. I think I am going to stop for a while and see how it goes. So frustrating to work hard and not see the results.
  • cwhite6109
    I don't have any additional advise for you but THANK YOU for posting this. I've been stuck at the same weight for a month now. Iwork out 5 days/week, cardio, weight training etc etc. Too many calories, too few... Cant wait for spring so that I can get outside and walk/run again, maybe that will shake things up.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I think it all depends on what you consider a plateau. I've been doing insanity for three weeks and haven't lost a lot of weight and my measurements aren't really changing all that much, but now I notice that my progress is in endurance and strength. I'm getting through more of the workout with less break time. My weight has decellerated a LOT over the past few months. I don't know if it's just because I'm confined to indoor activities or if my body is just extremely reluctant to continue to burn the fat. But regardless, I've noticed a big difference in my approach to food and exercise. I am better about my portions and I am able to enjoy being active without making my body feel like it needs to hurl. Progress comes in any number of forms, so look for alternative measurements to the scale, because sometimes it's a beast.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    As you near your goal weight, it becomes exponentially harder to burn calories as efficiently as it used to when it had more mass to fuel. Push through the plateau, or enjoy it. I'd continue Insanity, personally, just for the fun of it. The body can't be losing weight all the time, otherwise it will wither away.

    If you're an experimental person and don't mind creating challenges for yourself, bump up the calorie intake until you start gaining some weight [while staying physically active of course], then once your metabolism is rolling in one direction, you can make it go the other direction, towards weight loss.

    It's ultimately up to you, if you feel like your body needs a well-deserved rest, give it one. That could allow your body to readjust itself to a comfortable level, then wake it up by going right back to what you were doing before the break.
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas! I think I might start running again for a week and bump up my calories, and then next week start into week 6 and see what happens! Its so frustrating concidering how hard Insanity is to not see the scale move, and my measurements arent changing much either!
  • mmkoonce
    mmkoonce Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I too have been doing Insanity for almost 7 weeks now and haven't lost any weight in a month. I fist was dropping the weight pretty quick, but have not in quite a while. I can tell I am stronger and tighter, but it is disappointing to not see the scale move. I even started running at night to burn more calories and that hasn't worked for me either. I never have ate all my exercise calories, bc I am scared too. It seems that when I do, the scale creeps up a little bit. I keep doing the Insanity bc it is the hardest workout I have ever done, so i am afraid to stop doing it as well.
    I know that people say to stop getting on the scale and go with how you look and feel, but the people on the biggest loser keep losing weight even when they are close to their goal weight. Can't wait to see what works for you.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Phrase 2,Max series, is where you can see the changes.
    For insanity, compare the picture before and after is the the best way to go.
    The big different is in the stomach area for me. I did not not lose weight on Insanity.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    You should take measurements, see if you are losing inches...

    I did insanity for 3 weeks and didn't lose weight or inches :( (but I also heard that comes in month 2)
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    I didn't lose much weight on Insanity either but the body was definitely different! I weight one pound more than when I completed Insanity last year and there is no comparison. I look so much larger and out of shape at virtually the same weight when I had muscle from the program. I am now doing an Insanity Chalean Extreme Hybrid. For me, I think I needed more strength training. Good luck and keep it up!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    you could be staying the same because your turning fat into muscle, which would maintain your weight, but still be decreasing the amount of fat & also cause you to lose inches. have you taken your measurments?

    I agree. You may see not change on the scale at all.

    Also, I don't see how increase cardio more-so than what Instanity does will do any good. I mean... Insanity is INSANE cardio so... why not go the opposite way and lift weights?

    But in my opinion, I don't think you should take a week off. I think you should just finish the program. You're gonna look amazing and then you can move on to something different. Don't stress too much about weight or plateu's or any of that stuff. Just work hard and you'll get what you want!!
  • bailyc
    bailyc Posts: 57 Member
    I lost 15 pounds during the first month of Insanity but haven't lost a single pound since - (I will be finishing the 60 day program this Sunday). I have however, lost 6 inches around my waist during the second month alone. Don't give up!!! And take measurements or progress pictures like someone else suggested. It has helped me see changes in my body. I am going to start the program over but add in morning runs 3-4 days a week. Something you could think about. Good luck!
  • clintbritt3
    clintbritt3 Posts: 123
    I kind of experienced that too during my first round of Insanity, I followed it pretty religious for the first 5 weeks and then would miss a day here and there.... then I hit a week where I did not workout for 5 days! which was huge for me since I had been working out 6-7 times a week, and during that week I lost the weight I didn't loose while working out but I did start to feel untoned and weak... so I recommend a break, first of all just to have a break for your body to rest, but also to see what works best for you.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    No pain, no gain. I would keep pounding the pavement.